Optimización de laps3.com ¿Teneis errores o fallos?

No esta abierto a más respuestas.
abril 22, 2010
yo tengo un problema, cada vez que escribo un comentario citando a alguien, se queda la pantalla en blanco y no me redirige al foro.


Siempre Miau
noviembre 15, 2011
Es de agradecer los cambios realizados y que se haya escuchado a los foreros con sus quejas y opiniones.

A nivel general me gusta como ha quedado todo, está muy vistoso y agradable para la vista.


agosto 3, 2013
Yo creo que los cambios siempre han sido para mejor. Lo único que expondría de nuevo sería que me gustaba mucho más la vieja disposición de colores en los threads de guías de trofeos, con la mezcla azul, gris, negro, y no fondo blanco para ello.
Pero en líneas generales, la página ha quedado muchísimo mejor... :palmas:


febrero 11, 2013
Habeis cambiado el color de la letra??? Es que hoy me he tenido que leer 3 paginas seguidas y me ha acabado doliendo la vista un poco... soy al unico al que le pasa?


diciembre 11, 2008
@JoseLuis desde hace un par de meses cuando escribo un post y le doy a avanzado para ver todo el menu completo ya no me aparece el boton para poner Codigo de Youtube, pense que seria que estabas haciendo cambio pero como te comento hace como 2 meses que no lo veo y escribo a mano el codigo.

Te dejo captura para que lo veas:



Hago guías y eso
septiembre 13, 2012
@JoseLuis No lo uso, pero el enlace a la tienda no está en su sitio y se me coloca justo debajo del cursor cuando lo coloco encima de los índices (trofeos, juegos, noticias, análisis...).

Estoy usando el navegador Chrome con zoom al 90%, porque no es mi PC y tiene una resolución máxima de 1024x768 (las demás no la mayores dice que no está dentro de su intervalo) y sobra espacio en el monitor para verlo completo.


Colaboradora del Foro
noviembre 4, 2009
Pues yo no sé si será fallo o casualidad pero me pone que todos estos usuarios cumplen hoy 24 años.
Cumpleaños de Hoy

AndyVilanova, ROHE (36), alo06nuri (35), Lumilori (33), elRubenizador, yagami34 (24), Mounir1 (24), Polyflexx (24), Seriefilo (24), Myzombiietwoo (24), Alejandro_Mascorro (24), Durako (24), buchemon_79 (24), marchyver (24), Luny017 (24), valdesvillamizar (24), Isaias2013xd (24), jehiel (24), raorko (24), ChecoPlayGamer1498 (24), MrsIo (24), maur7c70 (24), TAKITOKAR (24), cesarquille (24), venganzaaaa (24), evilappetite (24), colombiano303 (24), jyunks (24), yesparou (24), minatokaede77 (24), Vidalcito97 (24), Gonzaa96 (24), AlexisAndres94 (24), tuberose (24), Kin_PR (24), elmonxito (24), AgustinAlberti (24), AlexTR (24), galletabah (24), zarin (24), [email protected] (24), kamikace_96 (24), sook9 (24), Pabloxd (24), hamilthon (24), Borderlands 2 (24), SanjsStark (24), davidzon (24), SalvadorSand (24), TomasZ_12 (24), Colorado1588 (24), HeavenlyGod (24), theraserb (24), gerardo tlapanco (24), marteta (24), hectorolr (24), kakashi s2 garde (24), roberksix (24), kokan (24), felipe123 (24), Hernansito (24), Jean_Dacosta (24), darkzkater (24), milocar45 (24), kamila2000 (24), Claudio Abel Jara (24), Tinchona (24), [email protected] (24), zorrigas (24), HaroldChampion12 (24), Cordoba86 (24), genarogonzalez (24), chema12345634 (24), martin538 (24), madara_024 (24), Darkhunter16 (24), aguirr (24), Mr Sosopas (24), DERMANESTE (24), CARLOS RIVERA (24), epokemonblack (24), xemicola (24), dartack (24), pedrocota (24), Marcos Lenzi (24), gilsnake (24), hector2303 (24), carlos_alberto (24), yuca123 (24), eryousss (24), zacdbgmj (24), josecis (24), XXfrancoXX (24), DjGmma360 (24), Jeroventurini (24), Fantomjgamer (24), donviicorleone (24), chuckydztroymstrdizastr (24), jonathan5679654 (24), JuanJic (24), Peripuebla (24), Razok (24), [email protected] (24), Santosk11 (24), Petunita (24), Testfacebook (24), albcl7 (24), Andre90 (24), modes (24), aledurgo (24), keke_2013 (24), GEPR51 (24), Danielmaringlez (24), apo_la_xiki (24), Sergius16 (24), LAdrian_29 (24), mambru71 (24), carlos santizo (24), edher (24), enrikk_7 (24), EdsonV19 (24), 0l1v3r0 (24), ssenssis (24), Kaest (24), Rechiflado (24), llLuxO (24), casa2112766 (24), locki (24), Otropibe1997 (24), meleslap (24), jlvamp (24), Guille2486 (24), agustinro (24), castillo851 (24), Fredyc1972 (24), disor_blu (24), dock (24), JUANPYKAPONI (24), johancalix (24), TheEnd (24), supermigu (24), Scourfield (24), Dixkntr0l (24), The Park (24), Elnyespra1979 (24), DJ_Santo (24), AlucardChile (24), Foxidao (24), mrbrando2 (24), titines (24), leonberaza (24), nachbonham (24), Samuel1 (24), Parry86 (24), tekken2012 (24), el camaron (24), jaimor (24), hectorsiu (24), jrda12 (24), XxT (24), igle85 (24), MrTirnavean (24), kidsdevil (24), YoungLove44 (24), nicoba2b (24), nnordin (24), luissmz (24), Revelo (24), VictorAlfonso (24), pedronene (24), ianlega (24), reabyk (24), Zuquo (24), Felnan2 (24), Frann.Paladiini (24), BryanOviedo (24), vocalacao (24), diego Benjamin Lujan Dura (24), Carlonso (24), christoferelleon (24), rovertgrj (24), ryan_dv (24), William Adiel (24), MarioSoto1 (24), Vicho784 (24), shiodolgetta123 (24), Michele1298 (24), PyrosJack1ro (24), CharrosDaniel (24), JuanSebas28 (24), alexrikelme (24), BeP4nd4 (24), Edwars84 (24), gabrix1986 (24), Xexo43 (24), martin24665 (24), csicristian (24), ElTerko73 (24), marcomoren (24), pzp (24), Pau VIla (24), jdgr_88 (24), Josehila2010 (24), pechoflow (24), javi_60404 (24), nery_misterio (24), Ricardo Rios (24), Lio10 (24), CONBDEIBAN (24), nahuelx31 (24), djkarra (24), nelsonandrestp (24), oldsnake84 (24), luquinorock (24), xXEzioXx (24), JC4181 (24), fonso979797 (24), Mtalcat (24), jlr197 (24), yeray_vcf (24), jclarg (24), xX_Jaavi_Xx (24), lalito0106 (24), Vitoco69 (24), puckcarilo (24), sergio_sala (24), Endiker (24), agustin.porto (24), jamaniano (24), retihc (24), lucas_112 (24), abc1234567891234 (24), isma4life (24), lucipher (24), beforehat (24), GohanX (24), yurirenato16 (24), marianomendez (24), Gabriel4101 (24), mantis1989 (24), ragnarok_co (24), Paache (24), martinchi (24), FernandoRuiz (24), DeadBlack (24), cirepa (24), mario2806 (24), hanniball390 (24), andro_22 (24), Lucianogino2 (24), thedoors23 (24), toniemcee (24), AxelJamesCohen (24), jeshuabiel (24), matipili99 (24), pallysarg (24), Arannor (24), diegoxd (24), Moixo85 (24), juansanchez1993 (24), albertillo8422 (24), adri6gonza (24), HFerreira (24), nicco13 (24), feedexfede (24), minirevok (24), Daniel14_03 (24), jaxon_1992 (24), Orozco320 (24), Reinsone (24), Fears_cs (24), Inestable88 (24), enrike1221 (24), Daniel_Lucas (24), pechitosmctetis (24), Velaskone (24), shadoww1923 (24), Jean Marco (24), mcsi (24), Hitchigo (24), manloyola (24), Citygame (24), GenioR7 (24), npablaza (24), ferny22 (24), goth_deahtrock (24), Chosen Juan (24), Shadow_Black97 (24), MuDfAn (24), mastermetal21 (24), franco2581 (24), roddy sebastian (24), Daisuke.Kai (24), kamulus (24), er__golfo (24), chaco16 (24), Neuros (24), Pyschoboy (24), jillete3000 (24), Dqki (24), lako86 (24), rafaelquipildor (24), Santi_R_95 (24), Brayan11cr7 (24), maherrada (24), edu_h4l (24), Saltiel (24), xGoreBulletx (24), Jon_Mariscal (24), xerezan0 (24), dlorah01 (24), fran_cox (24), alan_pepona (24), niquereps3 (24), ags09 (24), AbelNiga (24), reinerblock (24), pericocipo (24), maycol777 (24), ifneed (24), diony24 (24), ruben2311 (24), Kabash (24), JG_Rock316 (24), manuel de jesus (24), nightgod (24), AukA (24), Krazh15 (24), Anda10n (24), paulinox66 (24), cuervo13r (24), juan carlos salazar lopez (24), ImPuppet (24), JuanjoDrifter (24), lovato6 (24), ramiiro98 (24), marshexen (24), nachito cordero (24), FerderoDark2 (24), Donkan_mc (24), carlos_xuly (24), xergio63 (24), JR_Killer794 (24), marcovcardona (24), cris1008 (24), milingston (24), dany5044 (24), ury_ct (24), abianus (24), carlix1742 (24), takis505 (24), Raul1990 (24), iGriegZ (24), robin_arg (24), salian123 (24), felipx1 (24), jor63 (24), ramirezsanty (24), NoiseAKA (24), altari_87 (24), roqueshooter (24), Futernamb (24), rogomon (24), lawliet_123 (24), Nico2012 (24), julii546 (24), teo_207 (24), peris9 (24), selu1993 (24), jacinto_o_f (24), Velo001 (24), kpokkurkm (24), darwinj (24), arielevanescence (24), erick1 (24), djspacec (24), cavegol3000 (24), ignaciofcarp (24), InstantZeroX (24), ChInO98 (24), Radioactiveboy (24), graos (24), castillo harold (24), ALTAIR2095 (24), rapppermc (24), masterPS356 (24), jorgzilla (24), veritogoku (24), Dovavkiin (24), aldair316 (24), lez (24), patriciofdc (24), ponalreff (24), fredeei (24), NecGOW (24), Yuna22 (24), EkisGuiz (24), Psliber_2000 (24), jorggel (24), sebas1400 (24), laob10. (24), ghubert (24), joanfcb89 (24), plugeriner (24), iwantbliku (24), lokodelto (24), PaanchoO5 (24), Saix111 (24), yeferson.23 (24), DiegoSasuke (24), alexis iza12 (24), zelone (24), JakeMoriarty (24), MrJuancho (24), PEREACRACK (24), yolman2 (24), carlos hernadez (24), jointcc (24), Jpadawan (24), arcangel29 (24), pedrotoba94 (24), maica (24), AleX_Gr99ES (24), daniiel (24), ripped23 (24), josema26a (24), tecomotoa (24), Seifer Almasy Uchiha (24), Rulo 86 (24), Bubbble (24), MChampilo (24), cjvm (24), Davids.x2 (24), homerdefy (24), leo_899 (24), jomer5 (24), [email protected] (24), SEBAS UNCHARTED (24), ridin003 (24), cazador82 (24), elkan76 (24), meiden (24), raspael (24), ZackCxT (24), Upshok (24), txusko (24), lmaza (24), jimecha (24), cienfuegos (24), romeito23 (24), yavi21 (24), xhabier (24), TOMBI (24), bubba_cd_87 (24), gianzc (24), UliBF (24), Osobuko (24), gforce (24), JAVIERTORNY (24), superjavi827 (24), ramiroacade (24), lluis_assassin (24), joseito540 (24), juan_1992 (24), cristian santos (24), pitty2593 (24), firgu01 (24), antonio estrada (24), josema017 (24), luelor09 (24), Boty1984 (24), sergio salvatore (24), CARPNICO (24), jhb28 (24), markuzs (24), angel mv (24), lupo_dj (24), Gemika90 (24), stevencoro08 (24), ramonrayado (24), DouglasCDLM (24), zmoky (24), YesCa_97 (24), adriguai123 (24), ElyStumczeski (24), steven cano (24), black_devyl007 (24), @ goku (24), frannn283 (24), mierd (24), CharlesChoy (24), MUTANTExPR (24), UniqueRockSebas (24), oOManuelOo (24), BlueDragon1433 (24), RR_Avila (24), joaqo_malakian (24), Nahuel_ezequiel (24), BeBlack (24), alanforever_1080 (24), giolp (24), roodroz (24), NarutoStorm (24), necroghost (24), Marco12345 (24), Muersitine (24), IvanPitt96 (24), manuire (24), elmurcielago (24), chte17300 (24), melo (24), Martin_Walker90 (24), PapiiLeniin (24), edgaros (24), djfingo (24), GHOST_HUNTER (24), parcours (24), gabriel antonio saturno (24), XD_BUBU_DX (24), MeHx_RaMyReZ (24), prycton (24), Setrom (24), xamorro666 (24), sassh (24), [email protected] (24), hala mdrid (24), Rocakwar (24), marc28466 (24), Hernan900 (24), jan_ocny (24), alexLEONN (24), jdavidxs (24), cdelrisco (24), andros19 (24), DOMINGUEZ (24), witoc (24), ercamaroncillo (24), AGust (24), de_caret (24), sergui (24), andres_floppy (24), xx.alezsomar.xx (24), dark_assassins (24), Ringo Auditore (24), obrerooficios (24), Dragonrojomusic (24), germam (24), Mikoni (24), mamyrubia (24), theplayboy (24), kapo2001 (24), SlipKoRnot (24), Juniichi (24), Pariiiz (24), xavii007vlc (24), Anen2013 (24), JB25792 (24), xorizo (24), NicolasChek10 (24), shelbygt500mx (24), IITheLordII (24), bitazo (24), Luis Sempai (24), Panxo_albiverde (24), daniy porchas (24), luis ambriz (24), Rastazeh (24), Man_tri (24), totopo_arg (24), hcastro5522 (24), talamante2001 (24), Dark_wolf (24), JereGamer500 (24), masterhardisk (24), matiasKrdenas (24), batmanarkhamcity (24), Hexen_1985 (24), xX_alexllfu24_Xx (24), Andresz (24), Th3Pun1sHm3nT (24), ALBERTO556 (24), kencaste (24), jvelcar (24), EmStroyer (24), mansuke (24), kervinfranco (24), rage_kof (24), Syd.benjox (24), jcveloz_75 (24), xavi_came (24), XxpipexX (24), Natsu016 (24), sebastian gonzalez (24), simplechris (24), GatoFantastico (24), Rubenhole (24), marydiego (24), kevinsoldan10 (24), KuasKuas (24), jaih2295 (24), Upierczi868 (24), The_Mac1990 (24), luiszitoAQP (24), albermol98 (24), alejandrosanfer4 (24), angelochati (24), nhiikhoo (24), anthorom (24), mejoritox (24), canijo_tf (24), Waciado (24), vdr1992 (24), glenbeto (24), Nekai (24), DevoutSun2 (24), wakabashy (24), t_spanw (24), Spliiintter (24), callejasgr (24), Escobar Juan (24), gabubaz (24), PabloHorus (24), JAWZ (24), TheCreator013 (24), adrian201012 (24), shon_316 (24), Mgeaxelskate (24), MrJosen96 (24), oliver12795 (24), eldecimoartemc (24), Aditigrex453 (24), luisi98 (24), eyner_15 (24), zornex (24), VENENHOR (24), albertfp (24), Ovatsug_pez (24), ALCON01 (24), dolopls (24), Big Jvi (24), miRNA666 (24), Aztekanutos (24), wesnothcr (24), elfilaa (24), classic0 (24), aztecwarrior (24), xXsebas (24), MigueJosee (24), EGR555 (24), C.T.A.S. J3sUS Nine (24), Maverick_Martin (24), DEADISLAND007 (24), janileo (24), Ale11598 (24), vicmorris (24), albertuxo86 (24), beckerz (24), mauricarvallo12 (24), alekksxd (24), gego (24), [email protected] (24), kvothcan (24), gaston cueva (24), jeduardoj (24), MarcosGtaiv (24), yael ruiz (24), fifero13 (24), Pelonpes1 (24), elflekidefuenla (24), ernesto soler (24), CrOsS.19 (24), kirkratoshammett (24), PageROCK (24), JMauricio ZDelgado Chager (24), Agoostina (24), Geraimon1979 (24), robertn12321 (24), joaan20 (24), dsp (24), maicol01900 (24), lalin_alcazar (24), apocalypsys.3 (24), YerkYago (24), carlohi19 (24), Kitoox (24), yagovd (24), Pasucama (24), pieroxxs (24), Robertomar80 (24), The li (24), [email protected] (24), soyadrianx (24), migueipod (24), jdiry (24), enderwiggins (24), bianch1fb (24), Chekarmstrong (24), gianluarg96 (24), noelator (24), valkyrie32 (24), Hawwor (24), Mauri1281 (24), FRED991 (24), x_braulio_x (24), Tanke_MD (24), Mari0 (24), christian robles robles (24), Axl Poggio (24), xKevinx (24), DarkanesFear (24), Deathstroke69 (24), supercluna (24), ramon calvo (24), Xirriao (24), HirumaBerserker (24), relosstoy (24), wajeee (24), SOLDAAA1 (24), Melkart_De_Tiro (24), GonzaEv (24), marcelo van schuerbeck (24), uriascesar1 (24), byDiNg (24), NandoRocks (24), Cyphor26 (24), xNocturneSong (24), manu007ferrari (24), rei (24), kratitos08 (24), Erickgeass (24), davidmatias (24), fede aguer (24), fedeplaza (24), mricolab132 (24), Aaronloves2 (24), paulex (24), joseelXDD (24), notinkxines7 (24), rume83 (24), maxilin (24), junior450 (24), XnurienX (24), dani33 (24), LadyBug007 (24), Zaidmetal95 (24), ReteroZr (24), drawek (24), [email protected] (24), Kianer (24), snaky357 (24), berlingtoncm (24), leafar123 (24), pudreteflanders (24), ivanlb1 (24), Lord Ekou (24), BlackZoneTed77 (24), yerar14 (24), dannymencia (24), rjasso75 (24), nicomacias_ (24), Xdarkitox (24), gersil11x (24), scorpion097 (24), IronMaidenChile (24), GGonzalez (24), NemesisAriel (24), NearDeath (24), piloto19hh (24), mario gb (24), Julietadd (24), kurtix (24), adri2076 (24), juanillo1 (24), lesther (24), matias12ch (24), Angry_Videogames_Nerd (24), josef4007 (24), javibanda (24), erbuba699 (24), francotenis1999 (24), carlos3090033 (24), kamiloxd (24), nicobxx (24), Torkogu (24), andinattor (24), Rought (24), [email protected] (24), kixem (24), askullcrusher93 (24), Juanzz (24), JaMMeD_ZeT (24), Colzun (24), LokendoxDxD (24), xX_1_Xx (24), stev213 (24), toxisoda (24), Vicmaister (24), fonso (24), martinares (24), FreshFire (24), thejcruces (24), ivansh99 (24), ayub123 (24), Jorgejab23 (24), Emma17 (24), saupablo (24), LoKiTo1988 (24), gamboa35 (24), BlasterAlex (24), cartel_ (24), Black_soul503 (24), Game 18 (24), seba10e (24), Albertini1982 (24), RockBoy (24), drash (24), MixTaker (24), luchiiinol (24), TheSniper2K12 (24), soadtoxity (24), frutos13 (24), theweedman (24), Dante1550 (24), RogerMandrake (24), K.Onew (24), Doremidorefa (24), dantevillanueva (24), Lucio col (24), abeleon666 (24), waldo_asesino (24), renzo herrera (24), Angelsilveria (24), SPAWN385 (24), jordyss (24), 089bahamut (24), parasa (24), exe__gui (24), Aragisu (24), fullu28 (24), RonaldR3A (24), elemeental (24), danifanchivi (24), pinyonet (24), XxMaLa_RaZaxX (24), javier2694 (24), TasamaA (24), Bazofiaman (24), Bigman0812 (24), Sebbas Scherzinger (24), MajoraMax (24), matiasmayo (24), SandaraPark (24), londiniun (24), Guille_laplata (24), Caratabla (24), XERIKX (24), Mr Luxemburgo (24), alfredogal (24), gusta_roldan (24), reveles13 (24), Master Assassin (24), fervabi22 (24), AlexXkyou (24), Sigg (24), nirus (24), Ryukuro (24), escoba2011 (24), carlos131369 (24), lockeartema (24), ZeroMonstruoska (24), jotajota69 (24), UlisesCamp (24), Romanrep (24), califas_94 (24), vasterius (24), erick55 (24), kaizer6669 (24), lobo0226 (24), Dagunk (24), frank tenorio (24), toticapo (24), Ranzit_VNZL (24), Le Brousset (24), emmanuel2791 (24), playvak (24), Lucas4501 (24), encidikiler (24), Dante_3187 (24), jorge marcelo lujan (24), David Emanuel (24), kingshuliem (24), randyboy (24), ChesterShowDlc (24), agustdt (24), ercristian198 (24), serale90 (24), fernandez_andres (24), player_12_jk (24), Henju17 (24), mextyle1 (24), nicopalamos (24), kovuviw (24), nevernoob (24), Eolokamikaze (24), angry (24), krlosh (24), arielavila (24), elpajaro36 (24), ruby80 (24), JGRFUENLA (24), narutuzu (24), TioGuancho (24), [email protected] (24), davidjpp (24), narugichigo (24), carloscarlos000 (24), Jordi Sanchez (24), elloco26 (24), ulifirpo (24), CarlosRM (24), TekieroBertaerestodo (24), xiomara14 (24), emibarz (24), Reptilotekuz (24), HAIS3NB3RG (24), el_rolan_99 (24), soulnot (24), kevin818alanking (24), NekoSant (24), lola padilla (24), Dantesa (24), iikazaa (24), alexisw580dado (24), NachoKiller67 (24), aquel_clm (24), Shigoku182 (24), Don_Necio (24), Shizuo xi (24), JasonAlbo12 (24), Shinobby (24), carlos48rex (24), axelsubzero (24), B_john_1997 (24), Rhaito89 (24), Koibas (24), eliansaposnik (24), Vale Ps3 (24), johiko (24), REDWAN10 (24), LUGACH (24), ALAN0412 (24), lr_0506 (24), andy_coco_panda (24), kmai77 (24), [email protected] (24), christiano1991 (24), KratosDMC (24), DannySoulman (24), Kakeru (24), pandaxh (24), mahibar73 (24), panxo289 (24), tphink (24), jcgh1974 (24), DRAKCO12 (24), jmizon1 (24), deibyteamo (24), bbc2 (24), vergil020 (24), yandel986 (24), Angelro94 (24), anderso (24), casami (24), EL_GAUCHO_GIL (24), kevinhood (24), straiker212 (24), MartinXr400 (24), qazxsw21yy (24), SpuJordan (24), Estebangarciaor (24), daicolosama (24), Giligan Corona (24), gerardolml (24), supermanprime10 (24), Chorra (24), cgr101042 (24), luxitto (24), escotty (24), AJES10 (24), matias el mas k po (24), stylemuse (24), Mattiu (24), minirufo (24), Larry Stevie (24), cecilbarradas (24), Mimigrullos (24), rodrigo 159 (24), emiliofx (24), ByAlex97 (24), samo1803 (24), luna Julieth (24), franckXl (24), romeopalacios (24), jorgemon (24), anonymous11048 (24), estiven135790 (24), Cristinaaniorte (24), daniel_ban (24), JOAQUIN2679 (24), alexnofear27 (24), huakato (24), DaclDmC (24), marisol (24), Maio (24), aitor7cruz (24), pipokpo22 (24), Speck_mea (24), TheGolden23 (24), eduardo131 (24), alexxxss (24), virbol1 (24), Marcelore (24), ferfico (24), Rozalinda (24), yoel (24), Javier Shep (24), Felisuko1992 (24), marcos10043 (24), ASAZINxGAM3 (24), gerortiz (24), vivalaplay (24), Zunk05 (24), justo (24), matiase2012 (24), chilango02 (24), Che Pive (24), Sujeto27 (24), antoniosalones (24), um39265205 (24), horgtgfrg (24), nico lira (24), atzahorii (24), el9magic (24), vtr12345 (24), moche (24), manuel fernando delgado (24), K3NY_ROCK (24), Brian Dome (24), vierafs380cobra (24), geah96 (24), wismar_raul88 (24), miguliyo (24), Mondradark (24), erick_plus (24), ToySenTao (24), diegoalejandro0601 (24), venado (24), DKTMR (24), pusichapp (24), ea_riv94 (24), Anmidise95 (24), richieguadron (24), Andrey_12 (24), MelliMaxi (24), alcorz98 (24), legendmaster (24), The_King4339 (24), JonataPS3 (24), MaNytUkY (24), Lopezz (24), Borjatoscano (24), Dr_Chiflado69 (24), jozeta (24), diego2882 (24), WarriorGTpro (24), Astamor (24), dexter1024 (24), Somar23 (24), rovepau (24), Jeari (24), agus_1508 (24), Jason2084 (24), fabiancr9 (24), Alesackboy (24), pipehettfield (24), nacho bruno (24), Raizen503 (24), Alzuav (24), emigranate (24), Nickade18 (24), play gamer (24), alessandro chacon alfaro (24), davidps3pani (24), Rey_Lagarto_x (24), MorsaAsesina2511 (24), neb_ra3000 (24), mpotablava (24), rekete (24), 92RASEC92 (24), joseka19 (24), hunicken (24), Joker_Mueder13 (24), [email protected] (24), RomeroGray (24), CliicK Qlak BoOM (24), ratica10 (24), essadik67 (24), Mito1801 (24), cararrallada (24), BRAIAN12345 (24), fasc7478 (24), DaaNPG (24), artirado (24), Mabel Arias (24), CecixEddielmL (24), Fedecerelli (24), SLSSS (24), LECHUZO (24), londeschile (24), martin7 (24), Kurama86 (24), alvarodock (24), kuniita (24), mmmkiller99 (24), guille95 (24), Saturnalivan (24), wizardlvl76 (24), jd_cruz_c (24), JOAQUINVIVAS (24), ZeusCronos (24), SUZUMIYO (24), sfb543 (24), Folken2805 (24), calygrip (24), BryanBX (24), bra5 (24), josuegilces (24), darcstar (24), bambino12 (24), pito1989 (24), flaco05 (24), DUKQUELO (24), GunnerGirl1702 (24), skaparadise (24), Kuestionador (24), dav0star (24), Aguz_CARP (24), Nicolemichelle (24), cxmxqxs (24), robertomur (24), EvaxD (24), elturquitolopez (24), AluCarT_Sb (24), Axouxere (24), ernesto11 (24), Engel_Avilez28 (24), leme99 (24), kampanox (24), sogonyto (24), El_Caldero (24), cdgm (24), IWIA06 (24), others1104 (24), ENIQUE (24), Monoreo (24), jAAvi4 (24), GuybrushThreepwood (24), Flashoker (24), manudchief (24), uriel2 santos (24), Megamatico (24), MarkoolVga (24), Jose93 (24), djdennis2001 (24), bromo1986 (24), hawk zero1634 (24), JaviM17 (24), asturias28 (24), Superminguela (24), domi19 (24), edgexy (24), TurboHerruzo (24), Blackthorne (24), SYN2013 (24), albrt (24), Paulsnix (24), framara (24), dani23 (24), 123henri (24), Omarsoek (24), ABC Games (24), Reykerte (24), luzbel66 (24), nicolasandres10 (24), MrDanisov (24), negrythamonse (24), joseoso14 (24), salconisk8ss (24), isaac mora (24), silascjrbr (24), Diosmerithox (24), Naziman (24), mBm213 (24), erchinocudeiro (24), Xavi_14 (24), blend (24), Aldenetor (24), @brayan_@ (24), Ronal_7 (24), ulquiorra97 (24), daniel_rdgz (24), karlitrox27 (24), Joseph Carbajal (24), ZerllyKO (24), atony (24), VikOps97 (24), ivanby_BlacK (24), boga259 (24), ATReYeDeS (24), juan salguero (24), taysonlol (24), jeskobdn (24), FRANCISCA (24), burrytoxxx (24), 735diablo (24), 4kiles (24), juaco386 (24), metalitochikilinskate (24), martxz2000 (24), Syncram (24), MaNualonso2 (24), Rebeca69 (24), Asshlay (24), jonathan zave (24), ailish100 (24), MATIAH (24), Greatxplayer (24), DeivyG4L (24), Darkstalkers200 (24), drolaz (24), yeirunner (24), Techno.Girl (24), CrizttooX (24), limvist (24), almamala (24), DIEGOMISTICO (24), beso2124 (24), Mesias10 (24), Fernalex (24), ruben2013 (24), siboyeta (24), FakuFerrari (24), Alex Wayne (24), javily (24), Jugon90 (24), axel0123 (24), LordDavies (24), Ritashi15 (24), DHdez004 (24), Cris1777_ (24), miguelillo76 (24), Alex_10_Messi (24), JAYDAVID10 (24), XXXMaartinXXX (24), chachodavid (24), murphy 69 (24), ionelroman29 (24), MMichel456 (24), tonijuasb (24), Aventurero (24), alex11 (24), Alonso_loveless (24), Pomapopi (24), Selena (24), pascuesponja (24), xbryanx26 (24), wild_1402 (24), rock_and_rola (24), law89 (24), SHAKKA (24), bob esponja (24), EduardoJose427 (24), CHUCKYGOMA (24), jorgeema (24), Haseo PKK (24), diego_gia (24), pittss_astur (24), Strilker (24), evedidak (24), SEBA_CONTRERA_Dl (24), Breaker125 (24), las horas del mar (24), Nero_037 (24), Jhon022 (24), abrunand10 (24), doko1986 (24), DizZ_12 (24), k0nv3zZ (24), Xandricon (24), joan mateo (24), Tsukiko42 (24), blackbourn_arg (24), PEPE15121997 (24), Dkl_BOII (24), pablo.alb (24), el.Shaaki (24), sugurio88 (24), piedrito19 (24), ultrapaow08 (24), SUPER_ghosth (24), mono_loco666 (24), Tony0211 (24), Milennium (24), glockemcy (24), Chus105 (24), Darkains8 (24), JDRP2025 (24), djmedin1986 (24), JuanKeryor (24), darwingww (24), juan de dios (24), mahler_01 (24), Theendmaster21 (24), paCC (24), Kiritoaloneblader (24), trofollito (24), Jose3108 (24), jean2021 (24), RamKP (24), Roger Snake (24), Juanse Tabares (24), metal_icarus (24), Daniadj (24), zafit0 (24), ignaciostylus (24), [email protected] (24), Sara17 (24), Tricker (24), pasaelcigarro (24), Buchi_One (24), AZBLACK (24), santilizzul115 (24), lauuchaaaaaa (24), ian03jsan (24), KIRITO.ESPA (24), L.A. Coyote360 (24), ElRubox (24), elpoles14 (24), sandro ugarte (24), NoodleLP (24), rulo_210 (24), Ukyo Solaris (24), canro010212 (24), sirrubens (24), kafkca (24), nessavaloss (24), Oscar Perez (24), Kat (24), Bazztian7 (24), giovas123 (24), MAMLOR (24), elguachi_09 (24), agusdel (24), javiko (24), Drogba11 (24), eze_asesino (24), ELTANO3D (24), Evil_sergi (24), Vickythaa (24), sir.niuton (24), cr7Silerio (24), Xx_the dark kid_xX (24), Narcis (24), demon666j (24), jacobps3 (24), naxo75 (24), Berwart (24), chinos_locos94 (24), x0123456789abc (24), daviidrojas (24), redkiller (24), kisma (24), Ozzi6363 (24), Joel_InFamous (24), Jeff_Bounvr (24), yubrini (24), juan28 (24), DaniSF619 (24), JxanPablo (24), mellis (24), lorenzo_o (24), tominewells97 (24), XD__JAJA__123 (24), shinigamisamakun (24), Joel Cortes (24), g0su774 (24), Saposuelos (24), Manolito78 (24), enola (24), Nexero (24), neckq mainz (24), superputa (24), Ari_el (24), DemonPunch (24), 001metalero (24), chuy120 (24), nacional110 (24), lunatico1987 (24), matadero80 (24), MusicAlucard (24), Oozuma (24), Burnon (24), Venito Denys (24), riatota (24), carlomagno767 (24), assassinscreed2396 (24), cesarodrio (24), Kathii (24), jonatanmartin007 (24), Carlos_Rtm (24), V3nG4t1v3_J0k3r (24), ber123 (24), Type193 (24), Senthrwy (24), Ghotenx2103xd (24), leored (24), juano rasta (24), santiago vargas (24), dunkells (24), Loems1 (24), RockDave (24), royct (24), Nahh2829 (24), Prodigius (24), Nion (24), alan_ojeda362 (24), MATEOXX (24), Josi85 (24), kito69 (24), bigbosshbk (24), Destiny3478 (24), kolaaz (24), angelcaido (24), blink13 (24), Luny (24), jezuu23 (24), cris_110800 (24), shirogoengi (24), mrios04 (24), rebelion132 (24), gabs15 (24), DagoChileno (24), haziel90 (24), frd1014 (24), rogerstriker5 (24), Monscheche (24), knox5333 (24), queso234 (24), rifman (24), cancanf3 (24), aguilas negras (24), manes12 (24), george1993 (24), leonardo135798642 (24), Ednocore (24), grognard1984 (24), air.david (24), sergio terzi (24), JFurano (24), jose cantillo (24), oO_GiuLiAnO_Oo (24), basave (24), esto.es.redtube.xD (24), ASESINO_9284 (24), almalrom (24), Marx23 (24), ElyonAmadeoStrife (24), Jesus_Bryan22 (24), carlos gustavo 29 (24), real7000 (24), JOUvms (24), davidboixos74 (24), Alber150 (24), defeaguero (24), Gerantonio3090 (24), lobita (24), mi ps3 (24), xPiiNocL (24), cafero (24), Sergiux2000 (24), deo900 (24), toniespinosa (24), tobias3009 (24), kertxu77 (24), Johan7890 (24), edublas69 (24), dreakprince (24), Eznak (24), filips23 (24), pxtxr (24), rafetabetico (24), Victor Ahedo (24), Helenio Rebellion (24), limon_12 (24), emilianof (24), kenny2002 (24), darioxezequiel (24), Pocoto (24), plockwest (24), camil (24), DarkShovel (24), kenno (24), carlosandres115 (24), josesaac (24), bruce93 (24), alanmtj (24), xelitro (24), rodrigo__boca (24), mario leo (24), frandefinichon (24), elsalvador_2013 (24), alexis antonio (24), XxprxX_xEsCoBarx2025 (24), eleth182 (24), XAVIIER (24), Mely_Sackgirl (24), Aligolt1 (24), FRANCOF (24), orlakofi (24), dylann17 (24), REDSKY (24), airton17 (24), mare (24), Doomers (24), Akaponze (24), tomy02 (24), Bonecrusher (24), MJHOAN (24), Skie20 (24), HyppieKiller11 (24), pipe07 (24), yellowdea313 (24), lem1 (24), kiujona (24), sarkham (24), Helzhebet (24), PUTIPINGARELA (24), SantyContard (24), javet7 (24), Er_CaDeNa (24), Bladiator (24), DanielINFIERNO (24), TheAsis3 (24), benuh no eprion (24), crisrocks (24), rascacio (24), atascatazas (24), M_E_X_I_C_A_N_O (24), MagnusLeshter (24), cloud_600 (24), rabarcas (24), MisogiYgvar (24), yeico29 (24), Humberto78 (24), german aguilar (24), focussupernova (24), carileo (24), elpelado1976 (24), fiderac (24), abelito_pena1980@hotmail. (24), AndresMs07 (24), leopard115TV (24), FaustoW (24), Raulrojas10 (24), The Best Player (24), dj7 (24), Sofia 45444 (24), Andresrj98 (24), bybryanxx (24), j2b (24), cheloJBM (24), JAMGEAR (24), hiromi (24), Less (24), jigsaw_sk8 (24), catflix (24), MigueDiax17 (24), mrnickfury (24), luispreven (24), jucamaro1 (24), matiasfernandez (24), Bruno Ureta (24), rooneyelectro (24), altaire95 (24), franciscoleal87 (24), Pollo Yeyo (24), Badanas (24), [email protected] (24), Yusariop (24), okami120 (24), royz14 (24), yerkozx (24), chemilium_5 (24), maximus88cpob (24), xAeerizh (24), eduardx004 (24), kyosuke (24), evansjose (24), miri88bcn (24), millan007 (24), rogelioxz99 (24), xPressmp3 (24), kiralight (24), Cristian el Xeneixe (24), Racso22 (24), Feliipe bizama (24), alex 12345 (24), zelinkavo (24), e_roldan (24), Vinterens.knight (24), Angiesita1 (24), Sardes0p (24), Fielocon (24), gerardo reyes (24), GLKTS (24), johanguty (24), gutychuel0 (24), TuzK Snop (24), arrarra 3000 (24), canario80 (24), josemarcosblanes (24), ahlt (24), hellsing203 (24), DRsoborno (24), el8palos (24), keix05 (24), Welkers (24), jamesnex (24), emoburrito139 (24), Saiko02 (24), maripi698 (24), korki30 (24), juanka contreras (24), NICK1980 (24), shadowknuckles (24), josebe (24), keifer (24), Xavi_Madrid (24), loga_wars (24), Millogp (24), shinkazuya88 (24), destruidor (24), jeysondelta9 (24), Bitamina C (24), ric5rdo (24), donutsburka (24), Juan Cruz (24), santii07 (24), gsdgdfh (24), fabiangarcia (24), marckitus9 (24), pablomarper (24), Bryan_F_G (24), Toni_98_pro (24), Guest37722 (24), Zero Kiryu (24), kevinmarquez13 (24), goni79 (24), tranza496 (24), thenewclonwar (24), Carranza Pridemaster (24), lolo540054 (24), ezeparrax (24), RickyPerez00 (24), Tonyvere (24), BryanVela123 (24), xBlazee (24), Gino gamers (24), cristianceatolei (24), SebaStrauss (24), leyvazul (24), gray_sama (24), badconexion (24), OMARRM88 (24), LittleDanny10 (24), Moenito (24), thebos_rps (24), yurii (24), deyer (24), huesowi (24), mortimes 1 2 3 (24), Mochin151 (24), Casiquexz (24), cucho999 (24), sandavaro (24), naza (24), vally18 (24), Wilcon (24), carlitos__crak (24), Erick_1798 (24), aggu (24), AlonsoManzana (24), hitmaker (24), gamboa2304 (24), xRaaINeR (24), Mr.Crack (24), FIDDE_LGB (24), Pitosky (24), Pablo061 (24), IMAGINE_BREAK7 (24), Aritox (24), el_esewey (24), Riderlph (24), canonbboy (24), ErnestoAmin (24), FRANTOR (24), teohh (24), GuadyRukia (24), Yusei97 (24), TerminatorDX1 (24), JonseCage (24), Empleao (24), Tito Chanchan (24), chris_goku12 (24), axeldam (24), luisnahunriver (24), silent man (24), RDNatanael (24), krakatoa12 (24), smookejc (24), PipeChela (24), XroZ (24), the_daniel_10 (24), le@ (24), RoA Necross (24), edward811 (24), omego2643 (24), BluEsBoNy (24), locura1983 (24), dote_mc (24), PackitoKash (24), cesararmstrong (24), Alejo_008_ (24), dealitros (24), JAMF (24), ArJey11 (24), Marsound01 (24), Jampack100 (24), Raal_CFC21 (24), jorge infante (24), dj_alejandotw (24), brysola (24), pipa333 (24), andres14cabezas (24), DAVIDGA (24), betitojara (24), sanchis69 (24), cacho01 (24), Federiquen (24), wargreymon123 (24), lolicon (24), benyifribolts (24), xusco14 (24), faco (24), albenisBMW (24), jobejs15 (24), tomii_ bok (24), CM Adri (24), kiotto_182 (24), santdemond (24), Ripodas4 (24), xorxe (24), Mauricio Sykes (24), Xavisho (24), nicktenma10 (24), Demitriosxo (24), hankuroh1 (24), Alex_Jmz (24), MeloKnicks7 (24), manis57 (24), mariano84 (24), isback (24), Sckonks (24), t3byyy (24), GAIKAI (24), AlvarSoto98 (24), Daniel1991 (24), aldovzz21 (24), juandres007 (24), chueki1980 (24), Delfinalejo (24), migue_Deoz (24), Silverlml (24), kevin09 (24), Raiden Angat (24), Dave_Mazza (24), ElVerdecito_13 (24), neftaly chapin (24), WhySoALex (24), wuilly011 (24), daysivargas (24), andi17 (24), AzoteVizzio (24), fabianliliana543 (24), JBWKZ (24), har (24), Volvet94 (24), ancosa (24), kaory (24), bryan_ps3 (24), ezemma95 (24), sirgar (24), facu2208 (24), RDJ_29k (24), Uriel Mosh (24), kalymende (24), [email protected] (24), kelvidxx (24), ROCHY_Z (24), Rico_25 (24), Ferman (24), gnomo80 (24), bryan_14 (24), homarck (24), chino_r (24), xDaf_Fleytasx (24), ralfdonaire (24), gatyllero1 (24), Juanito el aprendiz (24), alex el mejor (24), sergio_salica (24), telestial (24), williams84 (24), tkz (24), alexitico (24), terrorista222 (24), huuhanh (24), fernandoslash (24), arielen (24), Libramorte (24), Alejoooo (24), olivaresaez (24), hachi2000 (24), pablooalonzoo_07 (24), antrax810 (24), joeyknotcr (24), felipehollow (24), TaVo_Gmc (24), Kefren (24), lirian (24), zelltoad (24), oscarejo (24), Freddy.Bn.Bakan (24), ryandavid29 (24), raulbalarezo (24), degs2004 (24), neftali espinoza (24), andremon2013 (24), andresanimegb (24), el john (24), cjor_uch (24), calaberito (24), PanchoPS3 (24), cangrid (24), Frafra89 (24), nachotupak (24), eduu507 (24), sonny caparzo (24), fabiola (24), antonio lora (24), gunzulu44 (24), edward73 (24), eliu_euceda (24), yanpiter (24), joshemi (24), MajoDeCebra (24), Tatterazy (24), DARDO_2 (24), ErickY2J (24), dajomaga (24), chemaalcaraz (24), Myrllan Olmos (24), sayz03 (24), raul41 (24), Jose A (24), krisLdSm (24), zerovicente (24), erty (24), Roger60 (24), anouar (24), emmanuelhernandez (24), Atenea27 (24), renzobsas13 (24), caligodjinn (24), ElKing99 (24), Erics (24), asolanof17 (24), Gonzalo 09 (24), rodrigo salinas (24), mausaga (24), Butterking88 (24), iago.gamer (24), blackspace22 (24), Frank_King18 (24), moises baltazar (24), sonic12345 (24), blackops2 (24), perdomo66 (24), alvarito451998 (24), ElMiguel477 (24), astarothhh (24), gustavo24 (24), alexis rap (24), jjerb (24), manuelm89 (24), ezequiel95 (24), Abujanjaa (24), gseferiades (24), Davidcj16 (24), keiishi (24), elmarce (24), Tomiceca (24), leonardo_chaco (24), daamtj (24), Kevin The Killer (24), Merrick00 (24), MardeCopas (24), santilf (24), Labots (24), Du4lz (24), cipononi3 (24), Juanxo_campillo (24), prototypex45 (24), hiram0377 (24), GhOsT_12 (24), DrakonusLord (24), Argen77o (24), gusyfeli (24), sicknes (24), meme1xx (24), joali (24), Dawer_16 (24), Llampu (24), Juan_iori (24), serloppad (24), Riukanzen (24), mao.cavazos (24), StreetRockFight7 (24), blaelgeneral (24), primate12 (24), p3hu3n (24), David22189 (24), marclloreda2000 (24), Tomasss200 (24), pauliita (24), isaac7 (24), danielbarchi (24), jamz (24), diego.dey (24), alexseco (24), megacrof (24), naiky82 (24), Eladio Bakale (24), yom (24), lMonopoly (24), VitoCorleone (24), mechadus (24), jose alfredo (24), Shadowfall (24), Salme2193 (24), buzter_36 (24), duozafiro (24), Danny Serrano (24), Noxius1 (24), NahuelAkd_ (24), kekfma (24), shizuka nazuko (24), McAsButton (24), maikeramones (24), Eledu15 (24), adrianagirre (24), Kevin Saimur (24), xCriisAlex (24), aglutinante (24), MatiBorra (24), xXOrLaNdOXx899 (24), heisdanieel (24), Markos95 (24), adan barbosa (24), s4ble79 (24), Felipe234 (24), aitormenta94 (24), [email protected] (24), paycho1652 (24), porras de (24), jomono (24), CamiloS10 (24), pro_ol_fns (24), Alejandro1991_69 (24), crismax (24), Brunii_1999 (24), DJHuskee (24), conkero69 (24), Hiina (24), NENA CANDY (24), robertpucela (24), jhozue17 (24), kratos30998 (24), lento (24), ERikamoon (24), Joyce (24), BRYAN ARSENAL (24), warhop (24), tucutaca2 (24), CarlosXD (24), Maatee (24), JSL_Network (24), anthonyagreda (24), JavitoPro92 (24), ofcdreamteam (24), Alamborg (24), ruloskypochi123 (24), ivanguti30 (24), B3rto (24), xGiGIOx (24), Leoskull03 (24), alexselene (24), PiViTrOn (24), Canay (24), Abryx99 (24), Yaxer93 (24), CRF2000 (24), SteG (24), DLirium3 (24), dariusmors (24), xicodiabliyo (24), San_Iker1 (24), Collados (24), Lynno Blacker (24), Diego Lydia (24), Lepadrain (24), alex69dios (24), Naruto_Zero (24), Teroxrock (24), Gabrielito30 (24), benja98uc (24), Herrmilan (24), ScarfaceMex (24), andye27 (24), JOSEBK (24), taekwondo001 (24), xHankx (24), bheftye (24), Riick_Chileno (24), ulquiorra shiffer (24), Hardy_David (24), Yahel (24), Evyilmerol (24), Cochambrin (24), living (24), joaco27598 (24), Ckarlospk (24), espartam16 (24), alexaaander (24), elherrero (24), Markinhus (24), yesulaip (24), subangelX2000 (24), juanimaggio1201 (24), djchexz (24), [email protected] (24), pilicheparrilla (24), angume62 (24), israeltomaII (24), djepicentro (24), valtz358 (24), MAD MAX 2.0 (24), julio cesar castillo (24), la16elame (24), Legolillass (24), BloodRavensCHILE (24), jdbg82 (24), jonatan arcangel (24), Black_Magic (24), potato06 (24), ElOmar75 (24), blancas 34 (24), pablomix (24), danipr17 (24), Charmeeleon (24), l_sEdu_l (24), hunterR2D2 (24), RicardoTrrs (24), renzena (24), TheSrTrabuco (24), alunear004 (24), sucopetas (24), o0o_rasfmuff_o0o (24), rengo (24), zetamescudero (24), Jonatan Obel (24), harumi89 (24), yetzini (24), aleksa_511 (24), jaimemota00 (24), xnoiss (24), ESTEBINSON (24), WEEDZMAN (24), Subzuki (24), griloldm (24), thunderrising (24), SIXFRIDO (24), merino88 (24), Anika_peke (24), Accesito (24), ubayy (24), ntc0394asd (24), GamerAdicto (24), Goldust Rhodes (24), gabrielle2 (24), gonzo.2705 (24), Geek Pro (24), mgaliano14 (24), Ezio1orozco (24), Carlos Trabanino (24), Rick_Eddy (24), AlucardSTR (24), daysi (24), guestatatatatata (24), adrianli8 (24), nanicus87 (24), madness3001 (24), diavlo_ (24), Enrrollate (24), guga_w18 (24), chicharos990 (24), JonathanOlea (24), AdrianC24 (24), muertodvd (24), oykam (24), Agnernufio (24), krishna (24), j0s3m4_7 (24), faraon69 (24), stalyn (24), tomate_jerez (24), epicenterrk (24), andrescipo (24), Vlad_Koplovo (24), wandy (24), pc271922 (24), ricardo654 (24), f3rnando.dj (24), [email protected] (24), AlexLibertino (24), Prosss (24), Izak15 (24), Manolo_Bling (24), Ryuzaki Kira (24), Joako7413 (24), LightningXros (24), Steven 1106 (24), rockie_92 (24), iran1411 (24), aser0027 (24), Mayelazo (24), P_u_T_o_A_m_o (24), guishe93 (24), chaina15 (24), guidoo (24), jere_killer (24), bryan808 (24), PancHitei (24), chiquito1983 (24), Juanelokala (24), sheok lml (24), killua (24), Giankapo_2001 (24), PSN_TheSpanishBossGT (24), Eduardo Gudi (24), Filos (24), Man_in_black777 (24), jhondel147 (24), Danieldow (24), [email protected] (24), maiquitol103 (24), portero74 (24), Cinefil800 (24), thebiohazart (24), gns36 (24), crackencio (24), residentevil2085 (24), vicente800 (24), AvengedGuns (24), michael.big.boss@hotmail. (24), DoctorNavarro (24), david26386 (24), brian1998 (24), NachoGameplays (24), radubel (24), m12rodriguez34 (24), tatanbenavides (24), Ukaare (24), tsukarimo (24), DanNSOP (24), DaveThrash13 (24), elefan (24), edo108010 (24), lyudegul (23), Cronos Strife, Skyneth (22), hhkaal (22), Jano_121 (22), mmarsoza (22), jam25b (21)
Menos el último que cumple 21 el pobre xD


Doctorado Honoris Causa
julio 8, 2011
Pues yo no sé si será fallo o casualidad pero me pone que todos estos usuarios cumplen hoy 24 años.
Cumpleaños de Hoy

AndyVilanova, ROHE (36), alo06nuri (35), Lumilori (33), elRubenizador, yagami34 (24), Mounir1 (24), Polyflexx (24), Seriefilo (24), Myzombiietwoo (24), Alejandro_Mascorro (24), Durako (24), buchemon_79 (24), marchyver (24), Luny017 (24), valdesvillamizar (24), Isaias2013xd (24), jehiel (24), raorko (24), ChecoPlayGamer1498 (24), MrsIo (24), maur7c70 (24), TAKITOKAR (24), cesarquille (24), venganzaaaa (24), evilappetite (24), colombiano303 (24), jyunks (24), yesparou (24), minatokaede77 (24), Vidalcito97 (24), Gonzaa96 (24), AlexisAndres94 (24), tuberose (24), Kin_PR (24), elmonxito (24), AgustinAlberti (24), AlexTR (24), galletabah (24), zarin (24), [email protected] (24), kamikace_96 (24), sook9 (24), Pabloxd (24), hamilthon (24), Borderlands 2 (24), SanjsStark (24), davidzon (24), SalvadorSand (24), TomasZ_12 (24), Colorado1588 (24), HeavenlyGod (24), theraserb (24), gerardo tlapanco (24), marteta (24), hectorolr (24), kakashi s2 garde (24), roberksix (24), kokan (24), felipe123 (24), Hernansito (24), Jean_Dacosta (24), darkzkater (24), milocar45 (24), kamila2000 (24), Claudio Abel Jara (24), Tinchona (24), [email protected] (24), zorrigas (24), HaroldChampion12 (24), Cordoba86 (24), genarogonzalez (24), chema12345634 (24), martin538 (24), madara_024 (24), Darkhunter16 (24), aguirr (24), Mr Sosopas (24), DERMANESTE (24), CARLOS RIVERA (24), epokemonblack (24), xemicola (24), dartack (24), pedrocota (24), Marcos Lenzi (24), gilsnake (24), hector2303 (24), carlos_alberto (24), yuca123 (24), eryousss (24), zacdbgmj (24), josecis (24), XXfrancoXX (24), DjGmma360 (24), Jeroventurini (24), Fantomjgamer (24), donviicorleone (24), chuckydztroymstrdizastr (24), jonathan5679654 (24), JuanJic (24), Peripuebla (24), Razok (24), [email protected] (24), Santosk11 (24), Petunita (24), Testfacebook (24), albcl7 (24), Andre90 (24), modes (24), aledurgo (24), keke_2013 (24), GEPR51 (24), Danielmaringlez (24), apo_la_xiki (24), Sergius16 (24), LAdrian_29 (24), mambru71 (24), carlos santizo (24), edher (24), enrikk_7 (24), EdsonV19 (24), 0l1v3r0 (24), ssenssis (24), Kaest (24), Rechiflado (24), llLuxO (24), casa2112766 (24), locki (24), Otropibe1997 (24), meleslap (24), jlvamp (24), Guille2486 (24), agustinro (24), castillo851 (24), Fredyc1972 (24), disor_blu (24), dock (24), JUANPYKAPONI (24), johancalix (24), TheEnd (24), supermigu (24), Scourfield (24), Dixkntr0l (24), The Park (24), Elnyespra1979 (24), DJ_Santo (24), AlucardChile (24), Foxidao (24), mrbrando2 (24), titines (24), leonberaza (24), nachbonham (24), Samuel1 (24), Parry86 (24), tekken2012 (24), el camaron (24), jaimor (24), hectorsiu (24), jrda12 (24), XxT (24), igle85 (24), MrTirnavean (24), kidsdevil (24), YoungLove44 (24), nicoba2b (24), nnordin (24), luissmz (24), Revelo (24), VictorAlfonso (24), pedronene (24), ianlega (24), reabyk (24), Zuquo (24), Felnan2 (24), Frann.Paladiini (24), BryanOviedo (24), vocalacao (24), diego Benjamin Lujan Dura (24), Carlonso (24), christoferelleon (24), rovertgrj (24), ryan_dv (24), William Adiel (24), MarioSoto1 (24), Vicho784 (24), shiodolgetta123 (24), Michele1298 (24), PyrosJack1ro (24), CharrosDaniel (24), JuanSebas28 (24), alexrikelme (24), BeP4nd4 (24), Edwars84 (24), gabrix1986 (24), Xexo43 (24), martin24665 (24), csicristian (24), ElTerko73 (24), marcomoren (24), pzp (24), Pau VIla (24), jdgr_88 (24), Josehila2010 (24), pechoflow (24), javi_60404 (24), nery_misterio (24), Ricardo Rios (24), Lio10 (24), CONBDEIBAN (24), nahuelx31 (24), djkarra (24), nelsonandrestp (24), oldsnake84 (24), luquinorock (24), xXEzioXx (24), JC4181 (24), fonso979797 (24), Mtalcat (24), jlr197 (24), yeray_vcf (24), jclarg (24), xX_Jaavi_Xx (24), lalito0106 (24), Vitoco69 (24), puckcarilo (24), sergio_sala (24), Endiker (24), agustin.porto (24), jamaniano (24), retihc (24), lucas_112 (24), abc1234567891234 (24), isma4life (24), lucipher (24), beforehat (24), GohanX (24), yurirenato16 (24), marianomendez (24), Gabriel4101 (24), mantis1989 (24), ragnarok_co (24), Paache (24), martinchi (24), FernandoRuiz (24), DeadBlack (24), cirepa (24), mario2806 (24), hanniball390 (24), andro_22 (24), Lucianogino2 (24), thedoors23 (24), toniemcee (24), AxelJamesCohen (24), jeshuabiel (24), matipili99 (24), pallysarg (24), Arannor (24), diegoxd (24), Moixo85 (24), juansanchez1993 (24), albertillo8422 (24), adri6gonza (24), HFerreira (24), nicco13 (24), feedexfede (24), minirevok (24), Daniel14_03 (24), jaxon_1992 (24), Orozco320 (24), Reinsone (24), Fears_cs (24), Inestable88 (24), enrike1221 (24), Daniel_Lucas (24), pechitosmctetis (24), Velaskone (24), shadoww1923 (24), Jean Marco (24), mcsi (24), Hitchigo (24), manloyola (24), Citygame (24), GenioR7 (24), npablaza (24), ferny22 (24), goth_deahtrock (24), Chosen Juan (24), Shadow_Black97 (24), MuDfAn (24), mastermetal21 (24), franco2581 (24), roddy sebastian (24), Daisuke.Kai (24), kamulus (24), er__golfo (24), chaco16 (24), Neuros (24), Pyschoboy (24), jillete3000 (24), Dqki (24), lako86 (24), rafaelquipildor (24), Santi_R_95 (24), Brayan11cr7 (24), maherrada (24), edu_h4l (24), Saltiel (24), xGoreBulletx (24), Jon_Mariscal (24), xerezan0 (24), dlorah01 (24), fran_cox (24), alan_pepona (24), niquereps3 (24), ags09 (24), AbelNiga (24), reinerblock (24), pericocipo (24), maycol777 (24), ifneed (24), diony24 (24), ruben2311 (24), Kabash (24), JG_Rock316 (24), manuel de jesus (24), nightgod (24), AukA (24), Krazh15 (24), Anda10n (24), paulinox66 (24), cuervo13r (24), juan carlos salazar lopez (24), ImPuppet (24), JuanjoDrifter (24), lovato6 (24), ramiiro98 (24), marshexen (24), nachito cordero (24), FerderoDark2 (24), Donkan_mc (24), carlos_xuly (24), xergio63 (24), JR_Killer794 (24), marcovcardona (24), cris1008 (24), milingston (24), dany5044 (24), ury_ct (24), abianus (24), carlix1742 (24), takis505 (24), Raul1990 (24), iGriegZ (24), robin_arg (24), salian123 (24), felipx1 (24), jor63 (24), ramirezsanty (24), NoiseAKA (24), altari_87 (24), roqueshooter (24), Futernamb (24), rogomon (24), lawliet_123 (24), Nico2012 (24), julii546 (24), teo_207 (24), peris9 (24), selu1993 (24), jacinto_o_f (24), Velo001 (24), kpokkurkm (24), darwinj (24), arielevanescence (24), erick1 (24), djspacec (24), cavegol3000 (24), ignaciofcarp (24), InstantZeroX (24), ChInO98 (24), Radioactiveboy (24), graos (24), castillo harold (24), ALTAIR2095 (24), rapppermc (24), masterPS356 (24), jorgzilla (24), veritogoku (24), Dovavkiin (24), aldair316 (24), lez (24), patriciofdc (24), ponalreff (24), fredeei (24), NecGOW (24), Yuna22 (24), EkisGuiz (24), Psliber_2000 (24), jorggel (24), sebas1400 (24), laob10. (24), ghubert (24), joanfcb89 (24), plugeriner (24), iwantbliku (24), lokodelto (24), PaanchoO5 (24), Saix111 (24), yeferson.23 (24), DiegoSasuke (24), alexis iza12 (24), zelone (24), JakeMoriarty (24), MrJuancho (24), PEREACRACK (24), yolman2 (24), carlos hernadez (24), jointcc (24), Jpadawan (24), arcangel29 (24), pedrotoba94 (24), maica (24), AleX_Gr99ES (24), daniiel (24), ripped23 (24), josema26a (24), tecomotoa (24), Seifer Almasy Uchiha (24), Rulo 86 (24), Bubbble (24), MChampilo (24), cjvm (24), Davids.x2 (24), homerdefy (24), leo_899 (24), jomer5 (24), [email protected] (24), SEBAS UNCHARTED (24), ridin003 (24), cazador82 (24), elkan76 (24), meiden (24), raspael (24), ZackCxT (24), Upshok (24), txusko (24), lmaza (24), jimecha (24), cienfuegos (24), romeito23 (24), yavi21 (24), xhabier (24), TOMBI (24), bubba_cd_87 (24), gianzc (24), UliBF (24), Osobuko (24), gforce (24), JAVIERTORNY (24), superjavi827 (24), ramiroacade (24), lluis_assassin (24), joseito540 (24), juan_1992 (24), cristian santos (24), pitty2593 (24), firgu01 (24), antonio estrada (24), josema017 (24), luelor09 (24), Boty1984 (24), sergio salvatore (24), CARPNICO (24), jhb28 (24), markuzs (24), angel mv (24), lupo_dj (24), Gemika90 (24), stevencoro08 (24), ramonrayado (24), DouglasCDLM (24), zmoky (24), YesCa_97 (24), adriguai123 (24), ElyStumczeski (24), steven cano (24), black_devyl007 (24), @ goku (24), frannn283 (24), mierd (24), CharlesChoy (24), MUTANTExPR (24), UniqueRockSebas (24), oOManuelOo (24), BlueDragon1433 (24), RR_Avila (24), joaqo_malakian (24), Nahuel_ezequiel (24), BeBlack (24), alanforever_1080 (24), giolp (24), roodroz (24), NarutoStorm (24), necroghost (24), Marco12345 (24), Muersitine (24), IvanPitt96 (24), manuire (24), elmurcielago (24), chte17300 (24), melo (24), Martin_Walker90 (24), PapiiLeniin (24), edgaros (24), djfingo (24), GHOST_HUNTER (24), parcours (24), gabriel antonio saturno (24), XD_BUBU_DX (24), MeHx_RaMyReZ (24), prycton (24), Setrom (24), xamorro666 (24), sassh (24), [email protected] (24), hala mdrid (24), Rocakwar (24), marc28466 (24), Hernan900 (24), jan_ocny (24), alexLEONN (24), jdavidxs (24), cdelrisco (24), andros19 (24), DOMINGUEZ (24), witoc (24), ercamaroncillo (24), AGust (24), de_caret (24), sergui (24), andres_floppy (24), xx.alezsomar.xx (24), dark_assassins (24), Ringo Auditore (24), obrerooficios (24), Dragonrojomusic (24), germam (24), Mikoni (24), mamyrubia (24), theplayboy (24), kapo2001 (24), SlipKoRnot (24), Juniichi (24), Pariiiz (24), xavii007vlc (24), Anen2013 (24), JB25792 (24), xorizo (24), NicolasChek10 (24), shelbygt500mx (24), IITheLordII (24), bitazo (24), Luis Sempai (24), Panxo_albiverde (24), daniy porchas (24), luis ambriz (24), Rastazeh (24), Man_tri (24), totopo_arg (24), hcastro5522 (24), talamante2001 (24), Dark_wolf (24), JereGamer500 (24), masterhardisk (24), matiasKrdenas (24), batmanarkhamcity (24), Hexen_1985 (24), xX_alexllfu24_Xx (24), Andresz (24), Th3Pun1sHm3nT (24), ALBERTO556 (24), kencaste (24), jvelcar (24), EmStroyer (24), mansuke (24), kervinfranco (24), rage_kof (24), Syd.benjox (24), jcveloz_75 (24), xavi_came (24), XxpipexX (24), Natsu016 (24), sebastian gonzalez (24), simplechris (24), GatoFantastico (24), Rubenhole (24), marydiego (24), kevinsoldan10 (24), KuasKuas (24), jaih2295 (24), Upierczi868 (24), The_Mac1990 (24), luiszitoAQP (24), albermol98 (24), alejandrosanfer4 (24), angelochati (24), nhiikhoo (24), anthorom (24), mejoritox (24), canijo_tf (24), Waciado (24), vdr1992 (24), glenbeto (24), Nekai (24), DevoutSun2 (24), wakabashy (24), t_spanw (24), Spliiintter (24), callejasgr (24), Escobar Juan (24), gabubaz (24), PabloHorus (24), JAWZ (24), TheCreator013 (24), adrian201012 (24), shon_316 (24), Mgeaxelskate (24), MrJosen96 (24), oliver12795 (24), eldecimoartemc (24), Aditigrex453 (24), luisi98 (24), eyner_15 (24), zornex (24), VENENHOR (24), albertfp (24), Ovatsug_pez (24), ALCON01 (24), dolopls (24), Big Jvi (24), miRNA666 (24), Aztekanutos (24), wesnothcr (24), elfilaa (24), classic0 (24), aztecwarrior (24), xXsebas (24), MigueJosee (24), EGR555 (24), C.T.A.S. J3sUS Nine (24), Maverick_Martin (24), DEADISLAND007 (24), janileo (24), Ale11598 (24), vicmorris (24), albertuxo86 (24), beckerz (24), mauricarvallo12 (24), alekksxd (24), gego (24), [email protected] (24), kvothcan (24), gaston cueva (24), jeduardoj (24), MarcosGtaiv (24), yael ruiz (24), fifero13 (24), Pelonpes1 (24), elflekidefuenla (24), ernesto soler (24), CrOsS.19 (24), kirkratoshammett (24), PageROCK (24), JMauricio ZDelgado Chager (24), Agoostina (24), Geraimon1979 (24), robertn12321 (24), joaan20 (24), dsp (24), maicol01900 (24), lalin_alcazar (24), apocalypsys.3 (24), YerkYago (24), carlohi19 (24), Kitoox (24), yagovd (24), Pasucama (24), pieroxxs (24), Robertomar80 (24), The li (24), [email protected] (24), soyadrianx (24), migueipod (24), jdiry (24), enderwiggins (24), bianch1fb (24), Chekarmstrong (24), gianluarg96 (24), noelator (24), valkyrie32 (24), Hawwor (24), Mauri1281 (24), FRED991 (24), x_braulio_x (24), Tanke_MD (24), Mari0 (24), christian robles robles (24), Axl Poggio (24), xKevinx (24), DarkanesFear (24), Deathstroke69 (24), supercluna (24), ramon calvo (24), Xirriao (24), HirumaBerserker (24), relosstoy (24), wajeee (24), SOLDAAA1 (24), Melkart_De_Tiro (24), GonzaEv (24), marcelo van schuerbeck (24), uriascesar1 (24), byDiNg (24), NandoRocks (24), Cyphor26 (24), xNocturneSong (24), manu007ferrari (24), rei (24), kratitos08 (24), Erickgeass (24), davidmatias (24), fede aguer (24), fedeplaza (24), mricolab132 (24), Aaronloves2 (24), paulex (24), joseelXDD (24), notinkxines7 (24), rume83 (24), maxilin (24), junior450 (24), XnurienX (24), dani33 (24), LadyBug007 (24), Zaidmetal95 (24), ReteroZr (24), drawek (24), [email protected] (24), Kianer (24), snaky357 (24), berlingtoncm (24), leafar123 (24), pudreteflanders (24), ivanlb1 (24), Lord Ekou (24), BlackZoneTed77 (24), yerar14 (24), dannymencia (24), rjasso75 (24), nicomacias_ (24), Xdarkitox (24), gersil11x (24), scorpion097 (24), IronMaidenChile (24), GGonzalez (24), NemesisAriel (24), NearDeath (24), piloto19hh (24), mario gb (24), Julietadd (24), kurtix (24), adri2076 (24), juanillo1 (24), lesther (24), matias12ch (24), Angry_Videogames_Nerd (24), josef4007 (24), javibanda (24), erbuba699 (24), francotenis1999 (24), carlos3090033 (24), kamiloxd (24), nicobxx (24), Torkogu (24), andinattor (24), Rought (24), [email protected] (24), kixem (24), askullcrusher93 (24), Juanzz (24), JaMMeD_ZeT (24), Colzun (24), LokendoxDxD (24), xX_1_Xx (24), stev213 (24), toxisoda (24), Vicmaister (24), fonso (24), martinares (24), FreshFire (24), thejcruces (24), ivansh99 (24), ayub123 (24), Jorgejab23 (24), Emma17 (24), saupablo (24), LoKiTo1988 (24), gamboa35 (24), BlasterAlex (24), cartel_ (24), Black_soul503 (24), Game 18 (24), seba10e (24), Albertini1982 (24), RockBoy (24), drash (24), MixTaker (24), luchiiinol (24), TheSniper2K12 (24), soadtoxity (24), frutos13 (24), theweedman (24), Dante1550 (24), RogerMandrake (24), K.Onew (24), Doremidorefa (24), dantevillanueva (24), Lucio col (24), abeleon666 (24), waldo_asesino (24), renzo herrera (24), Angelsilveria (24), SPAWN385 (24), jordyss (24), 089bahamut (24), parasa (24), exe__gui (24), Aragisu (24), fullu28 (24), RonaldR3A (24), elemeental (24), danifanchivi (24), pinyonet (24), XxMaLa_RaZaxX (24), javier2694 (24), TasamaA (24), Bazofiaman (24), Bigman0812 (24), Sebbas Scherzinger (24), MajoraMax (24), matiasmayo (24), SandaraPark (24), londiniun (24), Guille_laplata (24), Caratabla (24), XERIKX (24), Mr Luxemburgo (24), alfredogal (24), gusta_roldan (24), reveles13 (24), Master Assassin (24), fervabi22 (24), AlexXkyou (24), Sigg (24), nirus (24), Ryukuro (24), escoba2011 (24), carlos131369 (24), lockeartema (24), ZeroMonstruoska (24), jotajota69 (24), UlisesCamp (24), Romanrep (24), califas_94 (24), vasterius (24), erick55 (24), kaizer6669 (24), lobo0226 (24), Dagunk (24), frank tenorio (24), toticapo (24), Ranzit_VNZL (24), Le Brousset (24), emmanuel2791 (24), playvak (24), Lucas4501 (24), encidikiler (24), Dante_3187 (24), jorge marcelo lujan (24), David Emanuel (24), kingshuliem (24), randyboy (24), ChesterShowDlc (24), agustdt (24), ercristian198 (24), serale90 (24), fernandez_andres (24), player_12_jk (24), Henju17 (24), mextyle1 (24), nicopalamos (24), kovuviw (24), nevernoob (24), Eolokamikaze (24), angry (24), krlosh (24), arielavila (24), elpajaro36 (24), ruby80 (24), JGRFUENLA (24), narutuzu (24), TioGuancho (24), [email protected] (24), davidjpp (24), narugichigo (24), carloscarlos000 (24), Jordi Sanchez (24), elloco26 (24), ulifirpo (24), CarlosRM (24), TekieroBertaerestodo (24), xiomara14 (24), emibarz (24), Reptilotekuz (24), HAIS3NB3RG (24), el_rolan_99 (24), soulnot (24), kevin818alanking (24), NekoSant (24), lola padilla (24), Dantesa (24), iikazaa (24), alexisw580dado (24), NachoKiller67 (24), aquel_clm (24), Shigoku182 (24), Don_Necio (24), Shizuo xi (24), JasonAlbo12 (24), Shinobby (24), carlos48rex (24), axelsubzero (24), B_john_1997 (24), Rhaito89 (24), Koibas (24), eliansaposnik (24), Vale Ps3 (24), johiko (24), REDWAN10 (24), LUGACH (24), ALAN0412 (24), lr_0506 (24), andy_coco_panda (24), kmai77 (24), [email protected] (24), christiano1991 (24), KratosDMC (24), DannySoulman (24), Kakeru (24), pandaxh (24), mahibar73 (24), panxo289 (24), tphink (24), jcgh1974 (24), DRAKCO12 (24), jmizon1 (24), deibyteamo (24), bbc2 (24), vergil020 (24), yandel986 (24), Angelro94 (24), anderso (24), casami (24), EL_GAUCHO_GIL (24), kevinhood (24), straiker212 (24), MartinXr400 (24), qazxsw21yy (24), SpuJordan (24), Estebangarciaor (24), daicolosama (24), Giligan Corona (24), gerardolml (24), supermanprime10 (24), Chorra (24), cgr101042 (24), luxitto (24), escotty (24), AJES10 (24), matias el mas k po (24), stylemuse (24), Mattiu (24), minirufo (24), Larry Stevie (24), cecilbarradas (24), Mimigrullos (24), rodrigo 159 (24), emiliofx (24), ByAlex97 (24), samo1803 (24), luna Julieth (24), franckXl (24), romeopalacios (24), jorgemon (24), anonymous11048 (24), estiven135790 (24), Cristinaaniorte (24), daniel_ban (24), JOAQUIN2679 (24), alexnofear27 (24), huakato (24), DaclDmC (24), marisol (24), Maio (24), aitor7cruz (24), pipokpo22 (24), Speck_mea (24), TheGolden23 (24), eduardo131 (24), alexxxss (24), virbol1 (24), Marcelore (24), ferfico (24), Rozalinda (24), yoel (24), Javier Shep (24), Felisuko1992 (24), marcos10043 (24), ASAZINxGAM3 (24), gerortiz (24), vivalaplay (24), Zunk05 (24), justo (24), matiase2012 (24), chilango02 (24), Che Pive (24), Sujeto27 (24), antoniosalones (24), um39265205 (24), horgtgfrg (24), nico lira (24), atzahorii (24), el9magic (24), vtr12345 (24), moche (24), manuel fernando delgado (24), K3NY_ROCK (24), Brian Dome (24), vierafs380cobra (24), geah96 (24), wismar_raul88 (24), miguliyo (24), Mondradark (24), erick_plus (24), ToySenTao (24), diegoalejandro0601 (24), venado (24), DKTMR (24), pusichapp (24), ea_riv94 (24), Anmidise95 (24), richieguadron (24), Andrey_12 (24), MelliMaxi (24), alcorz98 (24), legendmaster (24), The_King4339 (24), JonataPS3 (24), MaNytUkY (24), Lopezz (24), Borjatoscano (24), Dr_Chiflado69 (24), jozeta (24), diego2882 (24), WarriorGTpro (24), Astamor (24), dexter1024 (24), Somar23 (24), rovepau (24), Jeari (24), agus_1508 (24), Jason2084 (24), fabiancr9 (24), Alesackboy (24), pipehettfield (24), nacho bruno (24), Raizen503 (24), Alzuav (24), emigranate (24), Nickade18 (24), play gamer (24), alessandro chacon alfaro (24), davidps3pani (24), Rey_Lagarto_x (24), MorsaAsesina2511 (24), neb_ra3000 (24), mpotablava (24), rekete (24), 92RASEC92 (24), joseka19 (24), hunicken (24), Joker_Mueder13 (24), [email protected] (24), RomeroGray (24), CliicK Qlak BoOM (24), ratica10 (24), essadik67 (24), Mito1801 (24), cararrallada (24), BRAIAN12345 (24), fasc7478 (24), DaaNPG (24), artirado (24), Mabel Arias (24), CecixEddielmL (24), Fedecerelli (24), SLSSS (24), LECHUZO (24), londeschile (24), martin7 (24), Kurama86 (24), alvarodock (24), kuniita (24), mmmkiller99 (24), guille95 (24), Saturnalivan (24), wizardlvl76 (24), jd_cruz_c (24), JOAQUINVIVAS (24), ZeusCronos (24), SUZUMIYO (24), sfb543 (24), Folken2805 (24), calygrip (24), BryanBX (24), bra5 (24), josuegilces (24), darcstar (24), bambino12 (24), pito1989 (24), flaco05 (24), DUKQUELO (24), GunnerGirl1702 (24), skaparadise (24), Kuestionador (24), dav0star (24), Aguz_CARP (24), Nicolemichelle (24), cxmxqxs (24), robertomur (24), EvaxD (24), elturquitolopez (24), AluCarT_Sb (24), Axouxere (24), ernesto11 (24), Engel_Avilez28 (24), leme99 (24), kampanox (24), sogonyto (24), El_Caldero (24), cdgm (24), IWIA06 (24), others1104 (24), ENIQUE (24), Monoreo (24), jAAvi4 (24), GuybrushThreepwood (24), Flashoker (24), manudchief (24), uriel2 santos (24), Megamatico (24), MarkoolVga (24), Jose93 (24), djdennis2001 (24), bromo1986 (24), hawk zero1634 (24), JaviM17 (24), asturias28 (24), Superminguela (24), domi19 (24), edgexy (24), TurboHerruzo (24), Blackthorne (24), SYN2013 (24), albrt (24), Paulsnix (24), framara (24), dani23 (24), 123henri (24), Omarsoek (24), ABC Games (24), Reykerte (24), luzbel66 (24), nicolasandres10 (24), MrDanisov (24), negrythamonse (24), joseoso14 (24), salconisk8ss (24), isaac mora (24), silascjrbr (24), Diosmerithox (24), Naziman (24), mBm213 (24), erchinocudeiro (24), Xavi_14 (24), blend (24), Aldenetor (24), @brayan_@ (24), Ronal_7 (24), ulquiorra97 (24), daniel_rdgz (24), karlitrox27 (24), Joseph Carbajal (24), ZerllyKO (24), atony (24), VikOps97 (24), ivanby_BlacK (24), boga259 (24), ATReYeDeS (24), juan salguero (24), taysonlol (24), jeskobdn (24), FRANCISCA (24), burrytoxxx (24), 735diablo (24), 4kiles (24), juaco386 (24), metalitochikilinskate (24), martxz2000 (24), Syncram (24), MaNualonso2 (24), Rebeca69 (24), Asshlay (24), jonathan zave (24), ailish100 (24), MATIAH (24), Greatxplayer (24), DeivyG4L (24), Darkstalkers200 (24), drolaz (24), yeirunner (24), Techno.Girl (24), CrizttooX (24), limvist (24), almamala (24), DIEGOMISTICO (24), beso2124 (24), Mesias10 (24), Fernalex (24), ruben2013 (24), siboyeta (24), FakuFerrari (24), Alex Wayne (24), javily (24), Jugon90 (24), axel0123 (24), LordDavies (24), Ritashi15 (24), DHdez004 (24), Cris1777_ (24), miguelillo76 (24), Alex_10_Messi (24), JAYDAVID10 (24), XXXMaartinXXX (24), chachodavid (24), murphy 69 (24), ionelroman29 (24), MMichel456 (24), tonijuasb (24), Aventurero (24), alex11 (24), Alonso_loveless (24), Pomapopi (24), Selena (24), pascuesponja (24), xbryanx26 (24), wild_1402 (24), rock_and_rola (24), law89 (24), SHAKKA (24), bob esponja (24), EduardoJose427 (24), CHUCKYGOMA (24), jorgeema (24), Haseo PKK (24), diego_gia (24), pittss_astur (24), Strilker (24), evedidak (24), SEBA_CONTRERA_Dl (24), Breaker125 (24), las horas del mar (24), Nero_037 (24), Jhon022 (24), abrunand10 (24), doko1986 (24), DizZ_12 (24), k0nv3zZ (24), Xandricon (24), joan mateo (24), Tsukiko42 (24), blackbourn_arg (24), PEPE15121997 (24), Dkl_BOII (24), pablo.alb (24), el.Shaaki (24), sugurio88 (24), piedrito19 (24), ultrapaow08 (24), SUPER_ghosth (24), mono_loco666 (24), Tony0211 (24), Milennium (24), glockemcy (24), Chus105 (24), Darkains8 (24), JDRP2025 (24), djmedin1986 (24), JuanKeryor (24), darwingww (24), juan de dios (24), mahler_01 (24), Theendmaster21 (24), paCC (24), Kiritoaloneblader (24), trofollito (24), Jose3108 (24), jean2021 (24), RamKP (24), Roger Snake (24), Juanse Tabares (24), metal_icarus (24), Daniadj (24), zafit0 (24), ignaciostylus (24), [email protected] (24), Sara17 (24), Tricker (24), pasaelcigarro (24), Buchi_One (24), AZBLACK (24), santilizzul115 (24), lauuchaaaaaa (24), ian03jsan (24), KIRITO.ESPA (24), L.A. Coyote360 (24), ElRubox (24), elpoles14 (24), sandro ugarte (24), NoodleLP (24), rulo_210 (24), Ukyo Solaris (24), canro010212 (24), sirrubens (24), kafkca (24), nessavaloss (24), Oscar Perez (24), Kat (24), Bazztian7 (24), giovas123 (24), MAMLOR (24), elguachi_09 (24), agusdel (24), javiko (24), Drogba11 (24), eze_asesino (24), ELTANO3D (24), Evil_sergi (24), Vickythaa (24), sir.niuton (24), cr7Silerio (24), Xx_the dark kid_xX (24), Narcis (24), demon666j (24), jacobps3 (24), naxo75 (24), Berwart (24), chinos_locos94 (24), x0123456789abc (24), daviidrojas (24), redkiller (24), kisma (24), Ozzi6363 (24), Joel_InFamous (24), Jeff_Bounvr (24), yubrini (24), juan28 (24), DaniSF619 (24), JxanPablo (24), mellis (24), lorenzo_o (24), tominewells97 (24), XD__JAJA__123 (24), shinigamisamakun (24), Joel Cortes (24), g0su774 (24), Saposuelos (24), Manolito78 (24), enola (24), Nexero (24), neckq mainz (24), superputa (24), Ari_el (24), DemonPunch (24), 001metalero (24), chuy120 (24), nacional110 (24), lunatico1987 (24), matadero80 (24), MusicAlucard (24), Oozuma (24), Burnon (24), Venito Denys (24), riatota (24), carlomagno767 (24), assassinscreed2396 (24), cesarodrio (24), Kathii (24), jonatanmartin007 (24), Carlos_Rtm (24), V3nG4t1v3_J0k3r (24), ber123 (24), Type193 (24), Senthrwy (24), Ghotenx2103xd (24), leored (24), juano rasta (24), santiago vargas (24), dunkells (24), Loems1 (24), RockDave (24), royct (24), Nahh2829 (24), Prodigius (24), Nion (24), alan_ojeda362 (24), MATEOXX (24), Josi85 (24), kito69 (24), bigbosshbk (24), Destiny3478 (24), kolaaz (24), angelcaido (24), blink13 (24), Luny (24), jezuu23 (24), cris_110800 (24), shirogoengi (24), mrios04 (24), rebelion132 (24), gabs15 (24), DagoChileno (24), haziel90 (24), frd1014 (24), rogerstriker5 (24), Monscheche (24), knox5333 (24), queso234 (24), rifman (24), cancanf3 (24), aguilas negras (24), manes12 (24), george1993 (24), leonardo135798642 (24), Ednocore (24), grognard1984 (24), air.david (24), sergio terzi (24), JFurano (24), jose cantillo (24), oO_GiuLiAnO_Oo (24), basave (24), esto.es.redtube.xD (24), ASESINO_9284 (24), almalrom (24), Marx23 (24), ElyonAmadeoStrife (24), Jesus_Bryan22 (24), carlos gustavo 29 (24), real7000 (24), JOUvms (24), davidboixos74 (24), Alber150 (24), defeaguero (24), Gerantonio3090 (24), lobita (24), mi ps3 (24), xPiiNocL (24), cafero (24), Sergiux2000 (24), deo900 (24), toniespinosa (24), tobias3009 (24), kertxu77 (24), Johan7890 (24), edublas69 (24), dreakprince (24), Eznak (24), filips23 (24), pxtxr (24), rafetabetico (24), Victor Ahedo (24), Helenio Rebellion (24), limon_12 (24), emilianof (24), kenny2002 (24), darioxezequiel (24), Pocoto (24), plockwest (24), camil (24), DarkShovel (24), kenno (24), carlosandres115 (24), josesaac (24), bruce93 (24), alanmtj (24), xelitro (24), rodrigo__boca (24), mario leo (24), frandefinichon (24), elsalvador_2013 (24), alexis antonio (24), XxprxX_xEsCoBarx2025 (24), eleth182 (24), XAVIIER (24), Mely_Sackgirl (24), Aligolt1 (24), FRANCOF (24), orlakofi (24), dylann17 (24), REDSKY (24), airton17 (24), mare (24), Doomers (24), Akaponze (24), tomy02 (24), Bonecrusher (24), MJHOAN (24), Skie20 (24), HyppieKiller11 (24), pipe07 (24), yellowdea313 (24), lem1 (24), kiujona (24), sarkham (24), Helzhebet (24), PUTIPINGARELA (24), SantyContard (24), javet7 (24), Er_CaDeNa (24), Bladiator (24), DanielINFIERNO (24), TheAsis3 (24), benuh no eprion (24), crisrocks (24), rascacio (24), atascatazas (24), M_E_X_I_C_A_N_O (24), MagnusLeshter (24), cloud_600 (24), rabarcas (24), MisogiYgvar (24), yeico29 (24), Humberto78 (24), german aguilar (24), focussupernova (24), carileo (24), elpelado1976 (24), fiderac (24), abelito_pena1980@hotmail. (24), AndresMs07 (24), leopard115TV (24), FaustoW (24), Raulrojas10 (24), The Best Player (24), dj7 (24), Sofia 45444 (24), Andresrj98 (24), bybryanxx (24), j2b (24), cheloJBM (24), JAMGEAR (24), hiromi (24), Less (24), jigsaw_sk8 (24), catflix (24), MigueDiax17 (24), mrnickfury (24), luispreven (24), jucamaro1 (24), matiasfernandez (24), Bruno Ureta (24), rooneyelectro (24), altaire95 (24), franciscoleal87 (24), Pollo Yeyo (24), Badanas (24), [email protected] (24), Yusariop (24), okami120 (24), royz14 (24), yerkozx (24), chemilium_5 (24), maximus88cpob (24), xAeerizh (24), eduardx004 (24), kyosuke (24), evansjose (24), miri88bcn (24), millan007 (24), rogelioxz99 (24), xPressmp3 (24), kiralight (24), Cristian el Xeneixe (24), Racso22 (24), Feliipe bizama (24), alex 12345 (24), zelinkavo (24), e_roldan (24), Vinterens.knight (24), Angiesita1 (24), Sardes0p (24), Fielocon (24), gerardo reyes (24), GLKTS (24), johanguty (24), gutychuel0 (24), TuzK Snop (24), arrarra 3000 (24), canario80 (24), josemarcosblanes (24), ahlt (24), hellsing203 (24), DRsoborno (24), el8palos (24), keix05 (24), Welkers (24), jamesnex (24), emoburrito139 (24), Saiko02 (24), maripi698 (24), korki30 (24), juanka contreras (24), NICK1980 (24), shadowknuckles (24), josebe (24), keifer (24), Xavi_Madrid (24), loga_wars (24), Millogp (24), shinkazuya88 (24), destruidor (24), jeysondelta9 (24), Bitamina C (24), ric5rdo (24), donutsburka (24), Juan Cruz (24), santii07 (24), gsdgdfh (24), fabiangarcia (24), marckitus9 (24), pablomarper (24), Bryan_F_G (24), Toni_98_pro (24), Guest37722 (24), Zero Kiryu (24), kevinmarquez13 (24), goni79 (24), tranza496 (24), thenewclonwar (24), Carranza Pridemaster (24), lolo540054 (24), ezeparrax (24), RickyPerez00 (24), Tonyvere (24), BryanVela123 (24), xBlazee (24), Gino gamers (24), cristianceatolei (24), SebaStrauss (24), leyvazul (24), gray_sama (24), badconexion (24), OMARRM88 (24), LittleDanny10 (24), Moenito (24), thebos_rps (24), yurii (24), deyer (24), huesowi (24), mortimes 1 2 3 (24), Mochin151 (24), Casiquexz (24), cucho999 (24), sandavaro (24), naza (24), vally18 (24), Wilcon (24), carlitos__crak (24), Erick_1798 (24), aggu (24), AlonsoManzana (24), hitmaker (24), gamboa2304 (24), xRaaINeR (24), Mr.Crack (24), FIDDE_LGB (24), Pitosky (24), Pablo061 (24), IMAGINE_BREAK7 (24), Aritox (24), el_esewey (24), Riderlph (24), canonbboy (24), ErnestoAmin (24), FRANTOR (24), teohh (24), GuadyRukia (24), Yusei97 (24), TerminatorDX1 (24), JonseCage (24), Empleao (24), Tito Chanchan (24), chris_goku12 (24), axeldam (24), luisnahunriver (24), silent man (24), RDNatanael (24), krakatoa12 (24), smookejc (24), PipeChela (24), XroZ (24), the_daniel_10 (24), le@ (24), RoA Necross (24), edward811 (24), omego2643 (24), BluEsBoNy (24), locura1983 (24), dote_mc (24), PackitoKash (24), cesararmstrong (24), Alejo_008_ (24), dealitros (24), JAMF (24), ArJey11 (24), Marsound01 (24), Jampack100 (24), Raal_CFC21 (24), jorge infante (24), dj_alejandotw (24), brysola (24), pipa333 (24), andres14cabezas (24), DAVIDGA (24), betitojara (24), sanchis69 (24), cacho01 (24), Federiquen (24), wargreymon123 (24), lolicon (24), benyifribolts (24), xusco14 (24), faco (24), albenisBMW (24), jobejs15 (24), tomii_ bok (24), CM Adri (24), kiotto_182 (24), santdemond (24), Ripodas4 (24), xorxe (24), Mauricio Sykes (24), Xavisho (24), nicktenma10 (24), Demitriosxo (24), hankuroh1 (24), Alex_Jmz (24), MeloKnicks7 (24), manis57 (24), mariano84 (24), isback (24), Sckonks (24), t3byyy (24), GAIKAI (24), AlvarSoto98 (24), Daniel1991 (24), aldovzz21 (24), juandres007 (24), chueki1980 (24), Delfinalejo (24), migue_Deoz (24), Silverlml (24), kevin09 (24), Raiden Angat (24), Dave_Mazza (24), ElVerdecito_13 (24), neftaly chapin (24), WhySoALex (24), wuilly011 (24), daysivargas (24), andi17 (24), AzoteVizzio (24), fabianliliana543 (24), JBWKZ (24), har (24), Volvet94 (24), ancosa (24), kaory (24), bryan_ps3 (24), ezemma95 (24), sirgar (24), facu2208 (24), RDJ_29k 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Menos el último que cumple 21 el pobre xD

A mi tambien me sale como a ti en los cumpleaños...asi que no se que podra ser...si fallo o es que todod esos cumplen años hoy...XXXD
junio 3, 2012
Supongo que será un fallo no? A mi por lo menos me resulta raro que 2.215 personas registradas cumplan años el mismo día, y si de verdad así deberían crear un club para ellos solos porque madre mía XXXD


marzo 13, 2011
Que bueno, aunque yo creo que a lo que se refieren a que hoy es el "no cumpleaños" de todos estos usuarios (guiño a "Alice in wonderland").
octubre 31, 2008
Supongo que será un fallo no? A mi por lo menos me resulta raro que 2.215 personas registradas cumplan años el mismo día, y si de verdad así deberían crear un club para ellos solos porque madre mía XXXD
No es un fallo, es ta simple como mucha gente ha creado cuentas o multicuentas y no las utiliza, pincha en cualquiera de ellos y veras que no tenen ningún mensaje y el 95% naranjas, yo haría una limpieza de usuarios que ni se conectan en años y multicuentas, pero hay entra el administrador. :hola:
junio 3, 2012
No es un fallo, es ta simple como mucha gente ha creado cuentas o multicuentas y no las utiliza, pincha en cualquiera de ellos y veras que no tenen ningún mensaje y el 95% naranjas, yo haría una limpieza de usuarios que ni se conectan en años y multicuentas, pero hay entra el administrador. :hola:
Si, me he metido en el perfil de unos cuantos y todos tenían como mucho 1-2 mensajes, aunque ya digo que pensaba que era un fallo xD.

Pues ahora que lo dices creo que no estaría mal hacer una limpieza de usuarios que hay muchísimos que llevan años sin conectarse y no han escrito ni un solo mensaje.


julio 21, 2008
En el foro principal el tema de los mensajes,no me notifica como ultimos mensajes los realizados en guias de trofeos
Lleva como un mes asi. Ya lo dije hace cosa de dos semanas y pasaron. A mi me era util para ayudar por si escribian en alguna guia que supiera la solucion de esta manera tienes que meterte a caso hecho para buscar. A ver si lo solucionan porque parece que la seccion de trofeos quieren que este en un segundo plano y dar mas importancia a otras secciones de la pagina. Un saludo


Colaboradora del Foro
noviembre 4, 2009
Lleva como un mes asi. Ya lo dije hace cosa de dos semanas y pasaron. A mi me era util para ayudar por si escribian en alguna guia que supiera la solucion de esta manera tienes que meterte a caso hecho para buscar. A ver si lo solucionan porque parece que la seccion de trofeos quieren que este en un segundo plano y dar mas importancia a otras secciones de la pagina. Un saludo
Pero si a lo único que se le da importancia aquí es a los trofeos, es la columna vertebral del foro.. solo hay que ver algunas veces el iSpy que está lleno del subforo de Trofeos.

De estar habilitada esa opción, en las notificaciones del foro principal solo saldrían los trofeos y pasarían desapercibidos los demás temas. De todos modos si te interesa la guía de trofeos de algún juego siempre puedes suscribirte a ella dandole a la pestaña "Herramientas > Suscribirse a este Tema".
agosto 15, 2009
A Coruña
Lleva como un mes asi. Ya lo dije hace cosa de dos semanas y pasaron. A mi me era util para ayudar por si escribian en alguna guia que supiera la solucion de esta manera tienes que meterte a caso hecho para buscar. A ver si lo solucionan porque parece que la seccion de trofeos quieren que este en un segundo plano y dar mas importancia a otras secciones de la pagina. Un saludo
Si yo tambien lo comente cuando empezo pero tampoco mucho caso,me parece una herramienta muy util pero que ahora por ese motivo esta a medias,o pones todos los mensajes o no pongas nada solo por el echo de que se llenen los ultimos mensajes de temas de guias de trofeos


julio 21, 2008
Pero si a lo único que se le da importancia aquí es a los trofeos, es la columna vertebral del foro.. solo hay que ver algunas veces el iSpy que está lleno del subforo de Trofeos.

De estar habilitada esa opción, en las notificaciones del foro principal solo saldrían los trofeos y pasarían desapercibidos los demás temas. De todos modos si te interesa la guía de trofeos de algún juego siempre puedes suscribirte a ella dándole a la pestaña "Herramientas > Suscribirse a este Tema".
lo que he dicho que últimamente se le esta dando mas importancia a otras secciones antes que a esa. Y si salían los últimos mensajes pues podías ayudar a mas gente que si tengo que meterme en trofeos y ir buscando los últimos mensajes.

En cuanto a lo de suscribirme a las guías, se donde esta ya que me metí para quitarlo porque lo que no quiero es por ayudar a alguien tener 200 correos en mi correo electrónico.

Para mi era algo útil, a lo mejor para otra gente no.
No esta abierto a más respuestas.