-Interact with Wrecked DeLorean
-Interact with Horn
-Interact with Jennifer
-Dialog (Jennifer): Any
-Dialog (Jennifer): "Help me down."
-Dialog (Jennifer): "Do you have anything useful?"
-Dialog (Jennifer): "May I have the tire iron?"
- to exit.
- Use Item "Kid Tannen's Flask" to equip.
-Interact with Jennifer (With "Kid Tannen's Flask" equipped.)
-Camina hacia la izquierda, hacia la puerta.
-Interact with Squawk Box.
- Use Item "Tire Iron" to equip.
-Interact with Gate (With Tire Iron equipped). (Conseguimos el primer Demerit)
-Camina hacia la derecha, hasta el DeLorean.
-Interact with "Battery".
- Use Item "Tire Iron" to equip.
-Interact with "Wheel" (With "Tire Iron" equipped.)
-Use Item "Battery" to equip.
-Interact with "Wheel" (With "Battery" equipped.)
-Trophy: Hope You're Insured Unlocked!
La escena cambia a Hill Valley, 1986.
-Dialog (Officer Parker): "Where can I find Citizen Brown?"
- to exit.
-Interact with "Self Tour". (1/7)
-Camina hacia la izquierda, al otro lado de la estatua.
-Interact with "Self Tour". (2/7)
-Camina hacia la izquierda, pasando la mesa de Citizen Plus.
-Interact with "Self Tour". (3/7)
-Camina hacia la izquierda, hacia la cocina de Sopa, y luego hacia la izquierda, pasando todas las mesas.
-Interact with "Self Tour". (4/7)
-Vuelve hacia la cocina de Sopa y camina dirección norte.
-Camina hacia la derecha, en frente de E. Brown Industries.
-Interact with "Self Tour". (5/7)
-Camina hacia el ayuntamiento, en el lado este.
-Interact with "Self Tour". (6/7)
-Camina hacia la derecha, pasando al oficial Parker.
-Interact with "Self Tour". (7/7)
-Trophy: Hill Valley Tourist Unlocked!
-Camina hacia la izquierda, pasando la papelera.
-Interact with "Buzzer".
-Interact with "Buzzer".
-Interact with "Buzzer". (Repite hasta que salga Edna.)
-Trophy: Ruin it for Everyone Unlocked!
-Interact with Guard Shack. (Conseguimos Demerit)
-Camina hacia el centro de la plaza, en el lado izquierda de la estatua.
-Interact with Biff.
-Dialog (Biff): "Was that Doc in the car?"
-Dialog (Biff): "Bad apple?"
-Dialog (Biff): "Tell me about your sordid past."
-Dialog (Biff): "Tell me about the illegal substances."
-Dialog (Biff): "Tell me about the vicious dogs?"
-Dialog (Biff): "Tell me about the "illegal" women."
-Dialog (Biff): "I've heard enough".
-Dialog (Biff): "Do I have a shot at seeing Citizen Brown?"
- to exit.
-Camina hacia la cocina de Sopa y sigue a Jennifer.
La escena cambia al callejón trasero.
-Sal del callejón trasero.
-Camina hacia el centro de la plaza, al lado de la estatua.
-Interact with Lorraine.
-Dialog (Lorraine): "Whose golf cart is that?"
-Camina hacia el coche de golf.
-Interact with "Electric Car".
La escena cambia a casa de los McFly.
-Interact with Marty's Guitar.
-Dialog (George): "Give me the guitar."
-Dialog (George): "I need it to impress Jennifer."
- Use Item "Lorraine's Time Sheet" to equip.
-Interact with George. (With "Lorraine's Time Sheet" equipped.)
-Dialog (George): Any.
-Dialog (George): Any.
-:curculo: to exit.
-Dialog (George): Any
-Camina hacia la calle.
-Interact with "Electric Car."
La escena cambia a la plaza central de Hill Valley.
-Camina hacia la estatua, en el centro de la ciudad.
-Interact with Lorraine.
-Dialog (Lorraine): "Ask about flask."
-Interact with Statue.
-Interact with Statue (Again).
-Camina al otro lado de la estatua.
-Interact with Lorraine.
-Camina al otro lado de la estatua.
-Interact with Flask.
-Camina hacia el ayuntamiento.
- Use Item "Lorraine's Flask" to equip.
-Interact with Officer Parker (With Lorraine's Flask equipped.)
-Trophy: Intervention Unlocked!
-Camina hacia la cocina de Sopa.
-Interact with Sign. (El de debajo del mostrador, no el menú.)
-Interact with Window.
-Dialog (Leech): "Free samples?"
-Dialog (Leech): "Never mind."
- to exit.
-Camina hacia el callejón trasero.
La escena cambia al callejón trasero.
-Interact with Ammo Box.
- Use Item "Spray Pain" to equip.
-Interact with "Wall" (With Spray Paint equipped.)
-Trophy: Marty and the Pinheads Unlocked!
-Interact with Ammo Box.
-Interact with Plank.
-Interact with Fridge.
- Use Item "Spray Paint" to equip.
-Interact with Plank (With Spray Paint equipped.)
-Sal del callejón.
-Entra de nuevo al callejón.
-Interact with Plank
-Interact with Table.
- Use Item "Hotdog Sample" to equip.
-Interact with Einstein (With Hotdog Sample equipped.)
-Trophy: All Good Dogs Go To Utah Unlocked!
La escena cambia a la plaza central.
-Interact with Statue (Conseguimos Demerit.)
-Interact with Squawk Box.
-Interact with Squawk Box. (Y disfruta de la referencia a Han Solo)
-Interact with Squawk Box. (Conseguimos Demerit.)
-Camina hacia la cocina de sopa.
-Entra al callejón trasero.
La escena cambia al callejón trasero.
-Interact with Jennifer.
-Dialog (Jennifer): "You and the SoupMo guy?"
-Dialog (Jennifer): "Guitar? I play guitar!"
-Dialog (Jennifer): "I can outplay Leech any day!"
-Dialog (Leech): "Scissor Kick."
-Dialog (Leech): "Move towards Jennifer." (Esta opción puede no aparecer si no estás cerca del amplificador. Acercate a él primero.)
-Dialog (Leech): "Climb on platform."
-Dialog (Leech): "Hop" (Si no aparece esta opción, sube a la plataforma de nuevo.)
En esta escena es posible que Marty o Leech se muevan de manera diferente. Tu objetivo es hacer que Leech suba encima del contenedor y después usar la opción "hop". Realiza los movimientos necesarios para conseguirlo, aunque con los de arriba debería salir.
-Trophy: Seven Minutes in Heaven Unlocked!
-Trophy: One Bad Apple Unlocked!
La escena cambia al interior del ayuntamiento.
-Dialog (Doc): Any
-Dialog (Doc): Any
-Dialog (Doc): Any
-Dialog (Doc): Any
-Dialog (Doc): Any
-Dialog (Doc): Any
-Dialog (Doc): Any
-Dialog (Doc): Any
-Dialog (Doc): Any
-Interact with Fish Tank
-Interact with Portrait
-Interact with Photo of Einstein
-Interact with 1931 Photo
-Interact with Marty and Doc
La escena cambia a la casa de los McFly.
-Interact with Bat
-Interact with Tape Case
-Dialog (George): Any
-Dialog (George): Any
-Dialog (George): "I need to give it to Citizen Brown."
- Use Item (selecciona cualquier demerit) to equip.
-Interact with George (With Demerits equipped.)
-Dialog (George): "Do it for Arthur."
-Interact with Monitors.
-Interact with Switch (On bottom left screen.)
-Interact with Switch (On bottom left screen again.)
-Interact with VCR (On bottom left screen.)
La escena cambia a la plaza central.
-Dialog (Biff): "Where's my dad's secret tape?"
-Dialog (Biff): "You really don't know anything about my dad's tape?"
-Dialog (Biff): "Why did you hurt my dad?"
-Dialog (Biff): "Where were you when my dad was attacked?"
-Dialog (Biff): "What's the last thing you remember?"
-Dialog (Biff): "Let me see your watch."
-Interact with Mode
-Interact with Hour Up (Mantener pulsado hasta que salga la X.)
-Interact with Minute Up (Mantener pulsado hasta que salga 11.)
-Interact with Mode
-Dialog (Biff): "Where's my dad's tape?"
-Dialog (Biff): "Could you go get my dad's tape?"
Aquí es tu última oportunidad para caminar libremente por el pueblo y explorar. Si hay alguna cosa que quieras hacer, o simplemente divertirte, hazlo ahora.
-Interact with Bin
-Trophy: Into the Garbage Chute, McFly-boy Unlocked!
La escena cambia al subterraneo.
-Interact with License Plates.
-Interact with Beer.
-Interact with Porn.
-Interact with Cigars.
-Dialog (Doc): "Don't be so hard on yourself"
-Dialog (Doc): "Your father wouldn't blame you."
-Dialog (Doc): "I'm sorry about Edna."
-Interact with License Plates.
-Interact with Video Game.
-Interact with Beer.
-Interact with Novelties.
-Interact with Cigars.
-Interact with Pinball Parts.
-Interact with Porn.
-Interact with Skateboards.
-Interact with Records.
-Interact with BB Guns
-Interact with Candy (Este en principio no es necesario, pero algunas personas comentan que no les saltó el trofeo hasta que no lo examinaron. Hazlo, cuesta poco.)
-Trophy: Hidden Treasures Unlocked!
-Interact with Cage.
-Interact with Records (¡Rápido!).
-Interact with Cage.
-Interact with Records (¡Rápido!).
-Interact with Einstein (¡Rápido!).
-Interact with Panic Button.
-Trophy: Final Solution Unlocked!