¿La canción más triste?

octubre 17, 2009
De habla Inglesa American Skin (41 shots)
Española la primera que se me ocurre, Jueves.

Aqui la letra de American Skin:

41 shots
41 shots
41 shots...
And we'll take that ride
'Cross this bloody river to the other side
41 shots they cut through the night
You''re kneeling over his body in the vestibule
Praying for his life

Well is it a gun?
Is it a knife?
Is it a wallet?
This is your life
It ain't no secret
It ain't no secret
No secret my friend
You can get killed just for living in your American skin

41 shots
41 shots
41 shots...

Lena gets her son ready for school
She says now on these streets Charles
You got to understand the rules
Promise me if an officer stops you that you''ll always be polite
And that you'll never ever run away
And promise momma you'll keep your hands in sight

'Cause is it a gun?
Is it a knife?
Is it a wallet?
This is your life
It ain't no secret
It ain't no secret
No secret my friend
You can get killed just for living in your American skin

41 shots
41 shots
41 shots...

Is it a gun?
Is it a knife?
Is it in your heart?
Is it in your eyes?
It ain't no secret
It ain't no secret
It ain't no secret

41 shots and we'll take that ride
'Cross this bloody river to the other side
41 shots
I got my boots caked in mud
We're baptized in these waters and in each other's blood

Is it a knife?
Is it a wallet?
This is your life
It ain't no secret
It ain't no secret
No secret my friend
You can get killed just for living in
You can get killed just for living in
You can get killed just for living in your American skin

41 shots
41 shots
41 shots...
Última edición:
abril 24, 2008
Yo con esta si que llore XD.

Fue la canción utilizada para hacer el mejor final de una serie jamas creada: A dos metros Bajo tierra. Esa escena final de Claire conduciendo kientras a los telespectadores se nos van mostrando la vida y muerte de todos los personajes de la serie con esta cancion. Simplemente M A G I S T R A L

Y asi en castellano si quieres ponerte melancolico, La Oreja De Van Gogh tiene muchisimas canciones tristes con letras muy bonitas. Yo no se como lo hacen estos tios, pero hacen unas letras de 10

Última edición:
junio 10, 2009
Para mi la version que hizo Ryan Adams de Wonderwall de oasis, es tremenda, muy melancólica. De hecho a los componentes de la banda les moló tanto que comenzaron a tocar esa version. os paso el link youtube.com/watch?v=0gVxRvNfFLg