La actualización 1.03 para FarCry 2 ya está disponible.
Se ha añadido la compatibilidad con Home.
Ubisoft ha lanzado la actualización versión 1.03 para su último título de PlayStation 3, FarCry 2.
Entre las novedades más destacables, decir que se ha añadido al juego soporte con la comunidad virtual de PS3, Home, por lo que cuando esta sea lanzada al público podremos comenzar partidas multijugador desde Home.
Además, se han solucionado dos fallos que afectaban a las DNS, problemas de conexión Online, del modo de un jugador y del modo Editor.
Lista de Mejoras
Fix: Freeze 10 seconds every minute with some dns servers
Fix: Freeze with exclusive content with some dns serversMultiplayer
Add: Multiplayer Home launch support (will be available once Home has been released)
Fix: multiplayer excessive or infinite loading time
Fix: multiplayer synchronisation problems
Fix: empty disconnection dialog box
Fix: multiplayer user interface issues (kill messages missing, diamond icon on killed players, …)
Change: peer to peer map download strategy to increase the download speed
Fix: potential problems with some additional content
Change : Ranked games can now start if the player max is attained and everybody but the host is ready
Fix : Ranked QuickMatch is no more trying to connect to already started sessionsSingleplayer
Fix: mortar allowing the character to go through walls
Fix: Gold AK missing
Fix: Environment not reset correctly
Fix: Control lost when buddy dying in your hand
Fix: Saving on specific locations or with specific timing can be incorrect
Fix: Desert effect staying permanently
Fix: Statistics incorrect
Fix: Text errorsEditor
Fix: few snapping problems
Fix: crash with user abuse with roads