Jericho llegará a España con edición especial exclusiva para PS3

xX__KarTieR__Xx · 29 diciembre, 2018
El juego contará con una sustanciosa edición para coleccionistas.

Codemasters ha hecho público que habrá una edición especial de Clive Barker´s Jericho a través del foro oficial de dicho juego.
el contenido de la edición especial es:

*Artbook con ilustraciones del juego
*Caja metálica

dicha edición limitada saldrá en España el 26 de octubre de este mismo año,y será exclusiva de PS3.

Aqui os dejo el post en el que anuncian dicha edición:

We’re delighted to finally uncloak the details of our Clive Barker’s Jericho Steelbook Special Editions!

For the hardcore fan, this shiny steelbook packed edition will contain a gorgeous artbook, laden with concept artwork [from the mind of Clive Barker] that shows how the characters, the squad, the environments and the freakishly scary monsters started out.

Players can then venture out into the world itself to see how they were beautifully realised into high-detail in-game models.

Check with your local retailer for information on how to get your copy of the Clive Barker’s Jericho Special Edition.

Please note that the Special Editions will only be available as follows:

for the PLAYSTATION 3 and Xbox 360 in the UK
for the Xbox 360 in the US
for the PLAYSTATION 3 in Spain
for the PLAYSTATION 3 in Benelux
Edit: Please note that due to a special retailer promotion, purchasers of the Xbox360 Special Edition in United States of America will also receive the «Making of» DVD in their packs.

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