A través de la red se ha filtrado un documento que contiene la primera información acerca del nuevo capítulo de la saga Battlefield :
* Release in late 2008
* Powered by “Frostbite DX”
* Set in year modern day (just like BF2, ed.)
* Will ship with 8 maps, each supporting up to 40-players per team
* Two playable factions, NATO and MEC (Middle Eastern Coalition)
* Same “ticket-based” gameplay style as before
* Maps are mostly urban, based in Middle East
* Squads and Commanders are present, introduced are “Battalions” which consist of three to four squads.
* Five playable classes; Sniper, Assault, Engineer, Medic and Support
* Will feature 48 different vehicles (24 for each faction)
* Will feature 34 different weapons (17 for each faction) and another 22 unlocks (for both factions), in total 56 different weapons.
* Other unlocks include different types of ammunition, body armor, helmets, camouflage and accessories.
* Possible public beta in “Summer 2008″
* Online stats tracking, awards and “real world ranks”
* “Soldier” feature, looks like MMO-styled characters and avatars
* Ranked servers will be available for resellers weeks before the game ships (for testing, apparently, ed.)
* In-game replay and recording feature
* VoIP, friends list, in-game IM-client and “extensive clan support”
* Built-in auto software updater (no more patches!, ed.)
* Widows Vista and OS X (no XP?!, ed.)
* Announcement and teaser trailer in January 2008.
De ahí podemos sacar en claro que habrá dos facciones, siendo una de una coalición de oriente medio, que podría haber una beta pública en el próximo verano, el multiplayer contará con 8 mapas y 40 miembros por equipo, habrá un gran soporte para clanes, el primer teaser trailer lo mostrarían en Enero del 2008; habrá también 24 diferentes vehículos para cada una de las dos facciones (un total de 48), así como 17 armas (34 más otras 22 que habrá que desbloquear), etc.
Todo esto es la información de la versión de PC, para videoconsola habría diferencias como que posiblemente no abarcaría tantos usuarios online como en PC.

* Release in late 2008
* Powered by “Frostbite DX”
* Set in year modern day (just like BF2, ed.)
* Will ship with 8 maps, each supporting up to 40-players per team
* Two playable factions, NATO and MEC (Middle Eastern Coalition)
* Same “ticket-based” gameplay style as before
* Maps are mostly urban, based in Middle East
* Squads and Commanders are present, introduced are “Battalions” which consist of three to four squads.
* Five playable classes; Sniper, Assault, Engineer, Medic and Support
* Will feature 48 different vehicles (24 for each faction)
* Will feature 34 different weapons (17 for each faction) and another 22 unlocks (for both factions), in total 56 different weapons.
* Other unlocks include different types of ammunition, body armor, helmets, camouflage and accessories.
* Possible public beta in “Summer 2008″
* Online stats tracking, awards and “real world ranks”
* “Soldier” feature, looks like MMO-styled characters and avatars
* Ranked servers will be available for resellers weeks before the game ships (for testing, apparently, ed.)
* In-game replay and recording feature
* VoIP, friends list, in-game IM-client and “extensive clan support”
* Built-in auto software updater (no more patches!, ed.)
* Widows Vista and OS X (no XP?!, ed.)
* Announcement and teaser trailer in January 2008.
De ahí podemos sacar en claro que habrá dos facciones, siendo una de una coalición de oriente medio, que podría haber una beta pública en el próximo verano, el multiplayer contará con 8 mapas y 40 miembros por equipo, habrá un gran soporte para clanes, el primer teaser trailer lo mostrarían en Enero del 2008; habrá también 24 diferentes vehículos para cada una de las dos facciones (un total de 48), así como 17 armas (34 más otras 22 que habrá que desbloquear), etc.
Todo esto es la información de la versión de PC, para videoconsola habría diferencias como que posiblemente no abarcaría tantos usuarios online como en PC.