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- octubre 8, 2006
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Esta es una encuesta hecha por famitsu a programadores:
Famitsu recently ran a poll with 58 developers at 19 Japanese game companies concerning next generation consoles/software. Check out their responses below.
What are your expectations for next-gen consoles? (Cuales son tus expectativas hacia las consolas de nueva generacion)
PS3 - 48% Extremely high expectations (muy altas)
32% High expectations (altas)
18% Low expectations (bajas)
Xbox 360 - 13% Extremely high expectations (muy altas)
40% High expectations and (altas)
45% Low expectations bajas
Wii - 63% Extremely high expectations (muy altas)
36% High expectations (altas)
1% Low expectations (bajas)
For each next gen system, what software are you looking forward to the most? (para cada plataforma, ¿que software te gusta mas?)
PS3’s lineup - Metal Gear Solid 4 (12 votes)
Final Fantasy XIII (10 votes)
The Eye of Judgment (7 votes)
Afrika (6 votes)
Heavenly Sword (4 votes)
Xbox 360 - Blue Dragon (18 votes)
Lost Odyssey (14 votes)
Culdecept Saga (8 votes)
Dead Rising (4 votes)
Gundam Operation Troy (4 votes)
Wii - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (26 votes)
Super Mario Galaxy (8 votes)
Wii Sports (5 votes)
Animal Crossing (3 votes)
Super Smash Brothers Brawl (3 votes)
What is your favorite part of each next-gen system? (¿Cual es su parte favorita de cada plataforma?)
PS3 - Visual power took the top spot on (19 votes) (el apartado grafico)
Overall hardware specs (10 votes) (las especificaciones tecnicas)
Cell’s computation abilities (9 votes) (capacidades de computo del Cell)
Built-in hard disk (3 votes) (disco duro incorporado)
Blu-Ray (3 votes)
Xbox 360 - Xbox Live (18 votes) (online xbox live)
Ease of development (13 votes) (facil de programar)
Connectivity with Windows Vista (12 votes) (conectividad con windows vista)
Visual power (6 votes) (apartado grafico)
Overall hardware balance (4 votes) (hardware muy equilibrado)
Wii - Wiimote (34 votes). (el mando, el wiimote)
Wii Connect 24 (9 votes) (on-line 24 horas, wiiconnect24)
Virtual Console (6 votes) (consola virtual)
Ease of development (4 votes) (facilidad de programacion)
Console price (3 votes) (precio de la maquina)
What next-gen console do you believe will sell the most? (¿que consola crees que sera la mas vendida?)
Wii - 60%
PS3 - 37%
Xbox 360 - 3%
What next-gen console would you like to develop for the most? (¿para que consola te gustaria mas programar?)
Wii - 63%
PS3 - 32%
Xbox 360 - 5%.
What next-gen console are you most looking forward to owning? (¿que consola te atrae mas tener?)
Wii - 49%
PS3 - 42%
Xbox 360 - 9%.
Encuesta a usuarios
Which of the 3 next generation consoles do you want to buy? (Cual de las tres consolas de ultima generacion compraras?)
65.09%: Wii
19.53%: PS3
13.61%: Xbox 360 (including import)
1.78%: None
Even though two-thirds of readers said they "wanted" to buy a Wii, only 57 percent said they were actually going to make the purchaseaunque casi dos terceras partes de los lectores han dicho que quieren comprar una wii,solo el 57 por ciento ha dicho que van a comprarla)
Are you going to buy a Wii?(vas a comprar wii?)
57%: Yes(si)
33%: I’m thinking about it(lo estoy pensando)
10%: No
Perhaps the hottest topic outside of the Wii is the PS3's pricing, on which Dorimaga quizzed voters, with nearly 90 percent saying it was too much for a gaming system. A few pricing pessimists were actually relieved with the "cheaper than expected" pricing:(quiza el tema mas caliente fuera de wii es el precio de ps3,sobre el cual los votantes de Dorimaga con cerca de un 90 por ciento han dicho que es demasiado para una consola.unos pocos pesimistas con el precio estan en realidad aliviados con el precio mas barato de lo esperado.)
Is the 62,790 yen price tag for the basic version of the PS3 expensive?(¿Es el precio de 62,790 yenes para la versión básica del PS3 caro?)
87.57%: This is not a price for a game console.(este no es precio para una consola)
10.06%: It is not surprising when you look at the features.(no es tan sorprendente cuando miras las caracteristicas)
2.37%: It is actually less expensive than I feared.(es realmente menos caro de lo que me temia)
Even more interesting on the PS3 pricing issue, nearly half of the readers said that even if it had good games at launch, the price wouldn't be justified:(Incluso más interesante sobre la cuestion del precio de ps3, casi la mitad de los lectores dijo que incluso si tenía juegos buenos en el lanzamiento, el precio no sería justificado
Should the PS3 have great games for the launch, would this push to buy the console even if it is expensive?(¿Debería la PS3 tener grandes juegos para el lanzamiento, empujaría esto para comprar la consola incluso si es caro?)
46.75%: No
37.87%: I need time to think(necesito tiempo para pensarlo)
15.38%: Yes
Finally, Japanese expressed continuing apathy towards Microsoft's console, with just over 4 percent of readers saying they would by an Xbox 360. Kind of strange, however, that readers could select "Maybe" or "Thinking about buying" an Xbox 360 (what's the difference?). Adding those two categories up indicates that half of Gamaga's readers might buy one:(Finalmente, los japonéses han expresado que siguen apaticos hacia la consola de Microsoft, con un poco más del 4 por ciento de lectores que se deciden por una Xbox 360. ¿lo mas raro, sin embargo,es encontrar que los lectores seleccionen "Tal vez" " o Pensando en comprar " un Xbox 360 (cuál es la diferencia?). La suma de aquellas dos categorías indica que la mitad de los lectores de Gamaga podría comprar una
Will you buy an Xbox 360?(compraras una xbox 360?)
44.97%: No
33.14%: Maybe(quizas)
17.75%: Thinking about it(pensandolo)
4.14%: Yes
Famitsu recently ran a poll with 58 developers at 19 Japanese game companies concerning next generation consoles/software. Check out their responses below.
What are your expectations for next-gen consoles? (Cuales son tus expectativas hacia las consolas de nueva generacion)
PS3 - 48% Extremely high expectations (muy altas)
32% High expectations (altas)
18% Low expectations (bajas)
Xbox 360 - 13% Extremely high expectations (muy altas)
40% High expectations and (altas)
45% Low expectations bajas
Wii - 63% Extremely high expectations (muy altas)
36% High expectations (altas)
1% Low expectations (bajas)
For each next gen system, what software are you looking forward to the most? (para cada plataforma, ¿que software te gusta mas?)
PS3’s lineup - Metal Gear Solid 4 (12 votes)
Final Fantasy XIII (10 votes)
The Eye of Judgment (7 votes)
Afrika (6 votes)
Heavenly Sword (4 votes)
Xbox 360 - Blue Dragon (18 votes)
Lost Odyssey (14 votes)
Culdecept Saga (8 votes)
Dead Rising (4 votes)
Gundam Operation Troy (4 votes)
Wii - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (26 votes)
Super Mario Galaxy (8 votes)
Wii Sports (5 votes)
Animal Crossing (3 votes)
Super Smash Brothers Brawl (3 votes)
What is your favorite part of each next-gen system? (¿Cual es su parte favorita de cada plataforma?)
PS3 - Visual power took the top spot on (19 votes) (el apartado grafico)
Overall hardware specs (10 votes) (las especificaciones tecnicas)
Cell’s computation abilities (9 votes) (capacidades de computo del Cell)
Built-in hard disk (3 votes) (disco duro incorporado)
Blu-Ray (3 votes)
Xbox 360 - Xbox Live (18 votes) (online xbox live)
Ease of development (13 votes) (facil de programar)
Connectivity with Windows Vista (12 votes) (conectividad con windows vista)
Visual power (6 votes) (apartado grafico)
Overall hardware balance (4 votes) (hardware muy equilibrado)
Wii - Wiimote (34 votes). (el mando, el wiimote)
Wii Connect 24 (9 votes) (on-line 24 horas, wiiconnect24)
Virtual Console (6 votes) (consola virtual)
Ease of development (4 votes) (facilidad de programacion)
Console price (3 votes) (precio de la maquina)
What next-gen console do you believe will sell the most? (¿que consola crees que sera la mas vendida?)
Wii - 60%
PS3 - 37%
Xbox 360 - 3%
What next-gen console would you like to develop for the most? (¿para que consola te gustaria mas programar?)
Wii - 63%
PS3 - 32%
Xbox 360 - 5%.
What next-gen console are you most looking forward to owning? (¿que consola te atrae mas tener?)
Wii - 49%
PS3 - 42%
Xbox 360 - 9%.
Encuesta a usuarios
Which of the 3 next generation consoles do you want to buy? (Cual de las tres consolas de ultima generacion compraras?)
65.09%: Wii
19.53%: PS3
13.61%: Xbox 360 (including import)
1.78%: None
Even though two-thirds of readers said they "wanted" to buy a Wii, only 57 percent said they were actually going to make the purchaseaunque casi dos terceras partes de los lectores han dicho que quieren comprar una wii,solo el 57 por ciento ha dicho que van a comprarla)
Are you going to buy a Wii?(vas a comprar wii?)
57%: Yes(si)
33%: I’m thinking about it(lo estoy pensando)
10%: No
Perhaps the hottest topic outside of the Wii is the PS3's pricing, on which Dorimaga quizzed voters, with nearly 90 percent saying it was too much for a gaming system. A few pricing pessimists were actually relieved with the "cheaper than expected" pricing:(quiza el tema mas caliente fuera de wii es el precio de ps3,sobre el cual los votantes de Dorimaga con cerca de un 90 por ciento han dicho que es demasiado para una consola.unos pocos pesimistas con el precio estan en realidad aliviados con el precio mas barato de lo esperado.)
Is the 62,790 yen price tag for the basic version of the PS3 expensive?(¿Es el precio de 62,790 yenes para la versión básica del PS3 caro?)
87.57%: This is not a price for a game console.(este no es precio para una consola)
10.06%: It is not surprising when you look at the features.(no es tan sorprendente cuando miras las caracteristicas)
2.37%: It is actually less expensive than I feared.(es realmente menos caro de lo que me temia)
Even more interesting on the PS3 pricing issue, nearly half of the readers said that even if it had good games at launch, the price wouldn't be justified:(Incluso más interesante sobre la cuestion del precio de ps3, casi la mitad de los lectores dijo que incluso si tenía juegos buenos en el lanzamiento, el precio no sería justificado
Should the PS3 have great games for the launch, would this push to buy the console even if it is expensive?(¿Debería la PS3 tener grandes juegos para el lanzamiento, empujaría esto para comprar la consola incluso si es caro?)
46.75%: No
37.87%: I need time to think(necesito tiempo para pensarlo)
15.38%: Yes
Finally, Japanese expressed continuing apathy towards Microsoft's console, with just over 4 percent of readers saying they would by an Xbox 360. Kind of strange, however, that readers could select "Maybe" or "Thinking about buying" an Xbox 360 (what's the difference?). Adding those two categories up indicates that half of Gamaga's readers might buy one:(Finalmente, los japonéses han expresado que siguen apaticos hacia la consola de Microsoft, con un poco más del 4 por ciento de lectores que se deciden por una Xbox 360. ¿lo mas raro, sin embargo,es encontrar que los lectores seleccionen "Tal vez" " o Pensando en comprar " un Xbox 360 (cuál es la diferencia?). La suma de aquellas dos categorías indica que la mitad de los lectores de Gamaga podría comprar una
Will you buy an Xbox 360?(compraras una xbox 360?)
44.97%: No
33.14%: Maybe(quizas)
17.75%: Thinking about it(pensandolo)
4.14%: Yes