Vale Gente, me ha funcionado con otro Script, he conseguido los más de mil Saltos!Hola, soy nuevo en el foro. No sé si hay sección de presentación, pero es que estoy desesperadísimo con este trofeo.
Ya visitaba el foro sin registrarme pero, dada las circunstancias, creo que era absolutamente necesario. Espero estar activo.
Al grano:
¿Me puedes facilitar el script actualizado que utilizaste tú? Porque yo no lo veo, o no tengo manera de que me salga.
DetectHiddenWindows, On
buttonToPress := "Enter"
; --------- Constants
; jump intervals
a = 667
b = 532
c = 467
d = 433
e = 383
; f = not needed since 200-300 can be done with a single interval
g = 400
g2 = 401
latency = 710
script = 1
; ---------- Gui Setup -------------
Gui, -MaximizeBox
Gui, -MinimizeBox
Gui, 2: -MaximizeBox
Gui, 2: -MinimizeBox
Gui, Color, c282a36, c6272a4
Gui, Add, Button, x15 y10 w70 default, Start
Gui, Add, Button, x15 y40 w70 default gVariableWindow, Variables
Gui, Font, ce8dfe3 s9 w550 Bold
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x90 y10 w120 h60, Button to press
Gui, Font, c758eff Bold, Verdana
Gui, Add, Radio, x100 y28 Checked altsubmit gButtonChange vButtonChoice group, X
Gui, Font, cff5754 Bold, Verdana
Gui, Add, Radio, altsubmit gButtonChange, O
Gui, Font, ce8dfe3 s8 w550 Bold
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x15 y70 w190 h40, Script
Gui, Add, Radio, x25 y90 Checked altSubmit gScriptChange vScriptChoice group, QueueTip
Gui, Add, Radio, x115 y90 altSubmit gScriptChange, Septomor
;--------- Gui 2 Setup --------------
Gui, 2: Color, c535770, c6272a4
Gui, 2: Font, c11f s9 Bold
Gui, 2: Add, Text,, Jumps 2-19
Gui, 2: Add, Edit, w40 vA, %a%
Gui, 2: Add, Text,, Jumps 20-49
Gui, 2: Add, Edit, w40 vB, %b%
Gui, 2: Add, Text,, Jumps 50-99
Gui, 2: Add, Edit, w40 vC, %c%
Gui, 2: Add, Text,, Jumps 100-199
Gui, 2: Add, Edit, w40 vD, %d%
Gui, 2: Add, Text, x100 y10, Jumps 200-299
Gui, 2: Add, Edit, w40 x100 y25 vE, %e%
Gui, 2: Add, Text, x100 y50, Jumps 300+
Gui, 2: Add, Edit, w40 x100 y65 vG, %g%
Gui, 2: Add, Edit, w40 x100 y90 vG2, %g2%
Gui, 2: Font, ccc3429 s9 Bold
Gui, 2: Add, Text, x100 y120, Latency
Gui, 2: Font, c11f s9 Bold
Gui, 2: Add, Edit, w40 x100 y135 vLat, %latency%
Gui, 2: Add, Button, x20 y192 gSaveVars, Save
Gui, 2: Add, Button, x100 y192 gVarDef, Defaults
Gui, Show,w220 h120, Vivi Jumps QueueTip + Sept
Gui, 2: Show, w210 h225, Variables
Gui, 2:Submit
GuiControlGet, a, 2:, A
GuiControlGet, b, 2:, B
GuiControlGet, c, 2:, C
GuiControlGet, d, 2:, D
GuiControlGet, e, 2:, E
GuiControlGet, g, 2:, G
GuiControlGet, g2, 2:, G2
GuiControlGet, latency, 2:, Lat
a = 667
b = 532
c = 467
d = 433
e = 383
g = 400
g2 = 401
Lat = 710
GuiControl, 2:, A, %a%
GuiControl, 2:, B, %b%
GuiControl, 2:, C, %c%
GuiControl, 2:, D, %d%
GuiControl, 2:, E, %e%
GuiControl, 2:, G, %g%
GuiControl, 2:, G2, %g2%
GuiControl, 2:, Lat, %lat%
Gui, Submit, NoHide
id := ""
SetKeyDelay, 100
Process, priority, , High
gosub, GrabRemotePlay
if (id = "")
gosub, PauseLoop
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
sleep 2000
if(script = 1)
gosub, QueueTipS
else if(script = 2)
gosub, SeptS
; ---------- Gui Setup End-------------
; ---------- Jump Loop -------------
; ---------- QueueTip
loop {
i = 1
delay = 100
balancer = 0
currentInterval := a
extraTime = 0
ToolTip, start, 400,400
; Initiate steps to begin
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% down}, ahk_id %id% ; Press down the %buttonToPress% key.
DllCall("Sleep", "Uint", 100)
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% up}, ahk_id %id% ; Release %buttonToPress% key.
Sleep, 2000
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% down}, ahk_id %id% ; Press down the %buttonToPress% key.
DllCall("Sleep", "Uint", 100)
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% up}, ahk_id %id% ; Release %buttonToPress% key.
Sleep, 3000
PixelGetColor, failColor, 644, 535, RGB
PixelGetColor, jumpColor, 562, 416, RGB
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% down}, ahk_id %id% ; Press down the %buttonToPress% key.
DllCall("Sleep", "Uint", 100)
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% up}, ahk_id %id% ; Release %buttonToPress% key.
; Detect 1st jump
Loop {
PixelSearch, x, y, 562, 416, 562, 416, %jumpColor%, 20, Fast RGB
If (ErrorLevel != 0) {
DllCall("Sleep", "Uint", latency - 220 )
start := A_TickCount + 50
; Detect if failed and back at the start to retry
PixelSearch, x, y, 644, 535, 644, 535, %failColor%, 20, Fast RGB
If (ErrorLevel != 0) { ; reset
ToolTip, failed, 400, 400
sleep, 3000
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% down}, ahk_id %id% ; Press down the %buttonToPress% key.
DllCall("Sleep", "Uint", 100)
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% up}, ahk_id %id% ; Release %buttonToPress% key.
sleep, 2000
Gosub, timings
Gosub, jump
fullTime := A_TickCount - start - extraTime
start := A_TickCount
if(i > 1) {
balancer += currentInterval - fullTime
ToolTip, %i% - %fullTime%, 400, 400
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% down}, ahk_id %id% ; Press down the %buttonToPress% key.
DllCall("Sleep", "Uint", delay)
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% up}, ahk_id %id% ; Release %buttonToPress% key.
i += 1
extraTime = 0
; ------- Septomor
i = 1
delay = 100
balancer = 0
currentInterval := a
extraTime = 0
ToolTip, start, 400,300
SendMode, Input
Send, {%buttonToPress% down}
Sleep, 100
Send {%buttonToPress% up}
Sleep, 2000
Send, {%buttonToPress% down}
Sleep, 100
Send {%buttonToPress% up}
Sleep, 3000
PixelGetColor, failColor, 644, 535, RGB
Send, {%buttonToPress% down}
Sleep, 100
Send {%buttonToPress% up}
Sleep, %latency%
; Detect if failed and back at the start to retry
PixelSearch, x, y, 644, 535, 644, 535, %failColor%, 20, Fast RGB
If (ErrorLevel != 0) { ; reset
ToolTip, failed, 400, 400
sleep, 3000
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% down}, ahk_id %id% ; Press down the %buttonToPress% key.
DllCall("Sleep", "Uint", 100)
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% up}, ahk_id %id% ; Release %buttonToPress% key.
sleep, 2000
gosub, GrabRemotePlay
gosub timings
gosub, InputJump
timer := A_TickCount - start
if (i = 1) {
currentInterval := a
} else if (i = 21) {
currentInterval := b
balancer = 0
} else if (i = 51) {
currentInterval := c
balancer = 0
} else if (i = 101) {
currentInterval := d
balancer = 0
} else if (i = 201) {
;extraTime = 50
delay = 70
currentInterval := e
balancer = 0
} else if (i = 260) {
extraTime = 20
balancer = 0
} else if (i = 301) {
currentInterval := g
balancer = 0
} else if (i = 500 or i = 800) {
currentInterval := g2
} else if (i = 600 or i = 900) {
currentInterval := g
} else if (i => 1001) {
if (Mod(i,2) = 0) {
currentInterval := g
} else {
currentInterval := g2
if(i > 1)
DllCall("Sleep", "Uint", (currentInterval - timer + balancer + extraTime))
fullTime := A_TickCount - start - extraTime
start := A_TickCount
if(i > 1) {
balancer += currentInterval - fullTime
ToolTip, %i% - %fullTime%, 400, 400
Send, {%buttonToPress% down} ; Press down the %buttonToPress% key.
Sleep, delay
Send {%buttonToPress% up} ; Release %buttonToPress% key.
i += 1
extraTime = 0
; ---------- Jump Loop End-------------
Gui, submit, nohide
if (ButtonChoice = 1)
buttonToPress := "Enter"
if (ButtonChoice = 2)
buttonToPress := "Esc"
WinGet, remotePlay_id, List, ahk_exe RemotePlay.exe
if (remotePlay_id = 0)
MsgBox, PS4 Remote Play not found
Loop, %remotePlay_id%
id := remotePlay_id%A_Index%
WinGetTitle, title, % "ahk_id " id
If InStr(title, "PS Remote Play")
WinGetClass, remotePlay_class, ahk_id %id%
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,, 0, 0, 1440, 900
ControlFocus,, ahk_class %remotePlay_class%
WinActivate, ahk_id %id%
Gui, submit, nohide
if (ScriptChoice = 1)
script = 1
if (ScriptChoice = 2)
script = 2
Send, {%buttonToPress% Up}
Send, {Esc Up}
gosub, PauseLoop
buttonToPress := "Enter"
; --------- Constants
; jump intervals
a = 667
b = 532
c = 467
d = 433
e = 383
; f = not needed since 200-300 can be done with a single interval
g = 400
g2 = 401
latency = 710
script = 1
; ---------- Gui Setup -------------
Gui, -MaximizeBox
Gui, -MinimizeBox
Gui, 2: -MaximizeBox
Gui, 2: -MinimizeBox
Gui, Color, c282a36, c6272a4
Gui, Add, Button, x15 y10 w70 default, Start
Gui, Add, Button, x15 y40 w70 default gVariableWindow, Variables
Gui, Font, ce8dfe3 s9 w550 Bold
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x90 y10 w120 h60, Button to press
Gui, Font, c758eff Bold, Verdana
Gui, Add, Radio, x100 y28 Checked altsubmit gButtonChange vButtonChoice group, X
Gui, Font, cff5754 Bold, Verdana
Gui, Add, Radio, altsubmit gButtonChange, O
Gui, Font, ce8dfe3 s8 w550 Bold
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x15 y70 w190 h40, Script
Gui, Add, Radio, x25 y90 Checked altSubmit gScriptChange vScriptChoice group, QueueTip
Gui, Add, Radio, x115 y90 altSubmit gScriptChange, Septomor
;--------- Gui 2 Setup --------------
Gui, 2: Color, c535770, c6272a4
Gui, 2: Font, c11f s9 Bold
Gui, 2: Add, Text,, Jumps 2-19
Gui, 2: Add, Edit, w40 vA, %a%
Gui, 2: Add, Text,, Jumps 20-49
Gui, 2: Add, Edit, w40 vB, %b%
Gui, 2: Add, Text,, Jumps 50-99
Gui, 2: Add, Edit, w40 vC, %c%
Gui, 2: Add, Text,, Jumps 100-199
Gui, 2: Add, Edit, w40 vD, %d%
Gui, 2: Add, Text, x100 y10, Jumps 200-299
Gui, 2: Add, Edit, w40 x100 y25 vE, %e%
Gui, 2: Add, Text, x100 y50, Jumps 300+
Gui, 2: Add, Edit, w40 x100 y65 vG, %g%
Gui, 2: Add, Edit, w40 x100 y90 vG2, %g2%
Gui, 2: Font, ccc3429 s9 Bold
Gui, 2: Add, Text, x100 y120, Latency
Gui, 2: Font, c11f s9 Bold
Gui, 2: Add, Edit, w40 x100 y135 vLat, %latency%
Gui, 2: Add, Button, x20 y192 gSaveVars, Save
Gui, 2: Add, Button, x100 y192 gVarDef, Defaults
Gui, Show,w220 h120, Vivi Jumps QueueTip + Sept
Gui, 2: Show, w210 h225, Variables
Gui, 2:Submit
GuiControlGet, a, 2:, A
GuiControlGet, b, 2:, B
GuiControlGet, c, 2:, C
GuiControlGet, d, 2:, D
GuiControlGet, e, 2:, E
GuiControlGet, g, 2:, G
GuiControlGet, g2, 2:, G2
GuiControlGet, latency, 2:, Lat
a = 667
b = 532
c = 467
d = 433
e = 383
g = 400
g2 = 401
Lat = 710
GuiControl, 2:, A, %a%
GuiControl, 2:, B, %b%
GuiControl, 2:, C, %c%
GuiControl, 2:, D, %d%
GuiControl, 2:, E, %e%
GuiControl, 2:, G, %g%
GuiControl, 2:, G2, %g2%
GuiControl, 2:, Lat, %lat%
Gui, Submit, NoHide
id := ""
SetKeyDelay, 100
Process, priority, , High
gosub, GrabRemotePlay
if (id = "")
gosub, PauseLoop
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
sleep 2000
if(script = 1)
gosub, QueueTipS
else if(script = 2)
gosub, SeptS
; ---------- Gui Setup End-------------
; ---------- Jump Loop -------------
; ---------- QueueTip
loop {
i = 1
delay = 100
balancer = 0
currentInterval := a
extraTime = 0
ToolTip, start, 400,400
; Initiate steps to begin
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% down}, ahk_id %id% ; Press down the %buttonToPress% key.
DllCall("Sleep", "Uint", 100)
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% up}, ahk_id %id% ; Release %buttonToPress% key.
Sleep, 2000
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% down}, ahk_id %id% ; Press down the %buttonToPress% key.
DllCall("Sleep", "Uint", 100)
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% up}, ahk_id %id% ; Release %buttonToPress% key.
Sleep, 3000
PixelGetColor, failColor, 644, 535, RGB
PixelGetColor, jumpColor, 562, 416, RGB
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% down}, ahk_id %id% ; Press down the %buttonToPress% key.
DllCall("Sleep", "Uint", 100)
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% up}, ahk_id %id% ; Release %buttonToPress% key.
; Detect 1st jump
Loop {
PixelSearch, x, y, 562, 416, 562, 416, %jumpColor%, 20, Fast RGB
If (ErrorLevel != 0) {
DllCall("Sleep", "Uint", latency - 220 )
start := A_TickCount + 50
; Detect if failed and back at the start to retry
PixelSearch, x, y, 644, 535, 644, 535, %failColor%, 20, Fast RGB
If (ErrorLevel != 0) { ; reset
ToolTip, failed, 400, 400
sleep, 3000
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% down}, ahk_id %id% ; Press down the %buttonToPress% key.
DllCall("Sleep", "Uint", 100)
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% up}, ahk_id %id% ; Release %buttonToPress% key.
sleep, 2000
Gosub, timings
Gosub, jump
fullTime := A_TickCount - start - extraTime
start := A_TickCount
if(i > 1) {
balancer += currentInterval - fullTime
ToolTip, %i% - %fullTime%, 400, 400
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% down}, ahk_id %id% ; Press down the %buttonToPress% key.
DllCall("Sleep", "Uint", delay)
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% up}, ahk_id %id% ; Release %buttonToPress% key.
i += 1
extraTime = 0
; ------- Septomor
i = 1
delay = 100
balancer = 0
currentInterval := a
extraTime = 0
ToolTip, start, 400,300
SendMode, Input
Send, {%buttonToPress% down}
Sleep, 100
Send {%buttonToPress% up}
Sleep, 2000
Send, {%buttonToPress% down}
Sleep, 100
Send {%buttonToPress% up}
Sleep, 3000
PixelGetColor, failColor, 644, 535, RGB
Send, {%buttonToPress% down}
Sleep, 100
Send {%buttonToPress% up}
Sleep, %latency%
; Detect if failed and back at the start to retry
PixelSearch, x, y, 644, 535, 644, 535, %failColor%, 20, Fast RGB
If (ErrorLevel != 0) { ; reset
ToolTip, failed, 400, 400
sleep, 3000
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% down}, ahk_id %id% ; Press down the %buttonToPress% key.
DllCall("Sleep", "Uint", 100)
ControlSend,, {%buttonToPress% up}, ahk_id %id% ; Release %buttonToPress% key.
sleep, 2000
gosub, GrabRemotePlay
gosub timings
gosub, InputJump
timer := A_TickCount - start
if (i = 1) {
currentInterval := a
} else if (i = 21) {
currentInterval := b
balancer = 0
} else if (i = 51) {
currentInterval := c
balancer = 0
} else if (i = 101) {
currentInterval := d
balancer = 0
} else if (i = 201) {
;extraTime = 50
delay = 70
currentInterval := e
balancer = 0
} else if (i = 260) {
extraTime = 20
balancer = 0
} else if (i = 301) {
currentInterval := g
balancer = 0
} else if (i = 500 or i = 800) {
currentInterval := g2
} else if (i = 600 or i = 900) {
currentInterval := g
} else if (i => 1001) {
if (Mod(i,2) = 0) {
currentInterval := g
} else {
currentInterval := g2
if(i > 1)
DllCall("Sleep", "Uint", (currentInterval - timer + balancer + extraTime))
fullTime := A_TickCount - start - extraTime
start := A_TickCount
if(i > 1) {
balancer += currentInterval - fullTime
ToolTip, %i% - %fullTime%, 400, 400
Send, {%buttonToPress% down} ; Press down the %buttonToPress% key.
Sleep, delay
Send {%buttonToPress% up} ; Release %buttonToPress% key.
i += 1
extraTime = 0
; ---------- Jump Loop End-------------
Gui, submit, nohide
if (ButtonChoice = 1)
buttonToPress := "Enter"
if (ButtonChoice = 2)
buttonToPress := "Esc"
WinGet, remotePlay_id, List, ahk_exe RemotePlay.exe
if (remotePlay_id = 0)
MsgBox, PS4 Remote Play not found
Loop, %remotePlay_id%
id := remotePlay_id%A_Index%
WinGetTitle, title, % "ahk_id " id
If InStr(title, "PS Remote Play")
WinGetClass, remotePlay_class, ahk_id %id%
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,, 0, 0, 1440, 900
ControlFocus,, ahk_class %remotePlay_class%
WinActivate, ahk_id %id%
Gui, submit, nohide
if (ScriptChoice = 1)
script = 1
if (ScriptChoice = 2)
script = 2
Send, {%buttonToPress% Up}
Send, {Esc Up}
gosub, PauseLoop
Decir que, en este, te sale como un cuadro de comando antes. He utilizado la opción de Septomor con la latencia a 858 y no me salía en el campanario. Lo he hecho al principio del juego, cuando sólo puede saltar Vivi.
Ahora a ver si me podéis facilitar el de 10 mil enemigos, pero ese me corre menos prisa, jajaja.
Última edición: